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It Must Be Abstract
Wallace Stevens Journal Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/wsj.2018.0027
Gershon Maller

From form to shape our world is partly whole by seeing what thought feels to see the sun not as it simply is but by all we desire to see it as as if to fill a void of overwhelming light her eye finds shapes in cloud bright cumuli amassing figures by sense beyond the sensible Phoebus in his car with diamond wheel lost among the guffaw of the crowd as the artist might draw from silk the color red and clasp her as a lover to his heart or the poet who draws a drop of blood from stone are but modulations from a sound where shifting her split skirt her voice and dance can flatter either verb or noun, her supple moves borrowed from a tune played on W’s Steinway to yield a self, a subject vibrant in the world of ordinary fact like sitting in a bar next to death crossing and uncrossing her legs where all that is the case is true objects arching giant spines across space as time as we imagine it; not as we could know a self that is but as it is: a whole cloud of philosophy condensed into a drop of grammar.


