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Newman's Apprenticeship: The Sermons at St. Clement's
Studies in the Literary Imagination Pub Date : 2016-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/sli.2016.0012
Lawrence Poston

On May 25, 1824, a little less than three weeks before his ordination to the diaconate, John Henry Newman wrote to his father, “I am convinced it is necessary to get used to parochial duty early, and that a Fellow of a College after ten years’ residence in Oxford feels very awkward among poor and ignorant people” (Letters and Diaries 175). To be sure, the site of Newman’s prospective curacy, the Old Church of St. Clement’s, was not far distant from the “dreaming spires” of the university: outside the city limits on the London side of the Cherwell river (McGrath, Sermons 5: xviii–xix).1 In its general flavor, however, it was quite different from the academic environment of Newman’s previous eight years. Oxford itself was already undergoing its transformation into a bustling commercial center, and St. Clement’s stood in a parish which had doubled in population from 1800 to 1821 and was to double again over the four years immediately following. In his pastoral and preaching duties at St. Clement’s over the next twenty-one months, during which (in May 1825) he was ordained to the priesthood, Newman could not expect much practical assistance from the septuagenarian Rector John Gutch, under whom the duties of parish visitation appear to have largely lapsed. Newman preached his first sermon at St. Clement’s on Sunday morning, June 27, and presided over his first service the following week. On July 28, just a month after the initiation of his duties, he was writing to his mother:



1824年5月25日,即约翰·亨利·纽曼(John Henry Newman)宣誓就职前不到三个星期的时候,他写信给父亲:“我坚信有必要早日习惯狭och的执勤,而在此之后,大学的一名院士穷人和无知的人在牛津十年的住所感到非常尴尬”(《信函与日记》 175)。可以肯定的是,纽曼预期的治疗场所圣克莱门特老教堂(Old Church of St. Clement's)与大学的“梦想之塔”相距不远:在切尔韦尔河伦敦一侧的市区范围之外(麦格拉思(McGrath),讲道5) :xviii–xix).1但是,它的总体风格与纽曼前八年的学术环境大不相同。牛津本身已经在转变为繁华的商业中心,而圣 克莱门特(Clement)的教区人口从1800年到1821年增加了一倍,并在随后的四年中再次翻番。在接下来的21个月中,他在圣克莱门特(St. Clement's)的牧区和布道工作中(在1825年5月)被任命为神职,纽曼不能指望七十岁的校长约翰·加奇(John Gutch)会提供很多实际的帮助。教区探访的人数似乎已经大大减少。纽曼于6月27日星期日在圣克莱门特宣讲了他的第一次布道,并在第二周主持了他的第一次布道。7月28日,即开始履行职责的一个月后,他在给母亲写信:在接下来的21个月中,克莱门特(Clement)在1825年5月被任命为神职,纽曼(Newman)不能指望这位七十多岁的校长约翰·加奇(John Gutch)会提供很多实际的帮助,在此之下,教区探访的职责似乎已经大大减少。纽曼于6月27日星期日在圣克莱门特宣讲了他的第一次布道,并在第二周主持了他的第一次布道。7月28日,即开始履行职责的一个月后,他在给母亲写信:在接下来的21个月中,克莱门特(Clement)在1825年5月被任命为神职,纽曼(Newman)不能指望这位七十多岁的校长约翰·加奇(John Gutch)会提供很多实际的帮助,在此之下,教区探访的职责似乎已经大大减少。纽曼于6月27日星期日在圣克莱门特宣讲了他的第一次布道,并在第二周主持了他的第一次布道。7月28日,即开始履行职责的一个月后,他在给母亲写信:并在第二周主持了他的第一次服务。7月28日,即开始履行职责的一个月后,他在给母亲写信:并在第二周主持了他的第一次服务。7月28日,即开始履行职责的一个月后,他在给母亲写信: