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Her Kind: A Reaction to Lisa Taddeo’s Three Women
Sewanee Review Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/sew.2019.0052
Stephanie Danler

I finished reading Lisa Taddeo’s Three Women, set it down, and looked at my fiancé. On the baby monitor my son slept. I’m safe, I reminded myself. The book had stirred up some dormant feeling in me that I didn’t want to wake. A tremor. Deep-seated, familiar, titillating. Three Women — strictly speaking, a work of nonfiction, although it pushes the boundaries of the genre as Taddeo explores the inner lives of three individuals — is going to be called a book about women and desire. That’s the beginning of it, but far from the end. Its subject is also sexual trauma, in its micro and macro forms, and how some women have tried to define themselves through sex. Its main characters are women who mistook Thanatos for Eros, whose stories are a mixture of success, failure, and punishment. Reading it, I was constantly reminded of Anne Sexton’s poem “Her Kind”:



我读完 Lisa Taddeo 的三个女人,放下它,看着我的未婚夫。在婴儿监视器上,我儿子睡着了。我很安全,我提醒自己。这本书激起了我不想醒来的潜伏感觉。一阵震颤。根深蒂固,熟悉,刺激。《三个女人》——严格来说,这是一部非小说类作品,虽然它在塔迪奥探索三个人的内心生活时推动了这一类型的界限——将被称为一本关于女性和欲望的书。这是它的开始,但离结束还很远。它的主题也是微观和宏观形式的性创伤,以及一些女性如何试图通过性来定义自己。它的主要角色是将塔纳托斯误认为爱神的女性,她们的故事是成功、失败和惩罚的混合体。阅读它,