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Clarice Lispector's Invisible Archive of the Quotidian: A Political Monologue with Life
Romance Notes Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/rmc.2018.0045
Patricia López-Gay

THESE lines appear within the initial pages of the first complete version of Clarice Lispector’s personal diary, Objeto gritante: Monólogo com a vida (Loud Object: A Monologue with Life) (1971). Lispector intermittently interrupts the daily archive of heterogeneous thoughts, fantasies, and memories in an attempt to capture the present moment of life that coincides with the present of writing. The result is a markedly mysterious text that traces the passage from the presence of the absolute present of writing to the record of its inevitable absence. This manuscript, available for consultation at the Archives of Casa de Rui Barbosa in Rio de Janeiro, has remained unpublished to date. On the cover page of Objeto gritante, the author includes a hand-written declaration in large letters: “Este é um anti-livro” (title page). From the many possibilities of autobiographical writing, Lispector chooses to undertake that of the diary, a writing mode that scholars consider to be marginal, or even non-literary.2 Objeto gritante arranges a combination of seemingly unrelated


Clarice Lispector关于Quotidian的无形档案:与生活的政治独白

这些行出现在Clarice Lispector的个人日记《 Objeto gritante:Monólogocom a vida》(响亮的对象:《生命的独白》)(1971年)的第一个完整版本的初始页中。Lispector会间歇性地中断日常的异类思想,幻想和记忆档案,以试图捕捉与写作之时相符的当前生活。结果是一个明显神秘的文本,追溯了从绝对存在的写作到不可避免的写作记录的转变。该手稿至今仍未出版,可在里约热内卢的Casa de Rui Barbosa档案中查阅。作者在Objeto gritante的封面上写了一个大写的手写声明:“ Esteéum anti-livro”(标题页)。