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"Amorosa violencia": Sor Juana's Theory of the Lyric
Romance Notes Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/rmc.2018.0029
Felipe Valencia

AfTER wading through prefatory matter, the reader of Inundación Castálida (Madrid, 1689) by Sor Juana inés de la Cruz will find conspicuously featured two sonnets. “El hijo que la esclava ha concebido” (poem 195) sits by itself on page 1, the pride of its place reinforced by the emptiness of page 2; i shall return to it later. At the beginning of page 3 comes a second sonnet, “Este que ves, engaño colorido” (poem 145), which begins thus:


“ Amorosa violencia”:Sor Juana的抒情理论

在经历了掠夺性问题之后,Sor Juanainésde la Cruz的InundaciónCastálida(马德里,1689年)的读者会发现两个著名的十四行诗。“ El hijo que la esclava ha concebido”(诗词195)位于第1页上,其位置的自豪感由第2页的空虚加强了;我待会儿再讲。在第3页的开头出现了第二个十四行诗,“ Este que ves,engañocolorido”(诗145),它由此开始: