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“The Waters and the Wild”: W. B. Yeats, Julia de Burgos, and Romantic Wilderness
Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/mml.2017.0014
Jacob Bender

Abstract:This paper compares for the first time William Butler Yeats with Julia de Burgos, the twentieth-century national poets of Ireland and of Puerto Rico respectively, two islands that have long served as the colonial possessions of neighboring Anglocentric superpowers. I open by examining how the authors’ two earliest and most popular poems—Yeats’s “The Stolen Child” (1886) and Burgos’s “Río Grande de Loíza” (1935)—imagine untamed wilderness as a sanctuary from imperial jurisdiction, a space where young children are led away to protect them from the tears of this world. “For the world’s more full of weeping than you can understand,” sing the faeries to Yeats’s stolen child, while Burgos calls the Río Grande itself “Great flood of tears. / The greatest of all our island’s tears / save those greater that come from the eyes / of my soul for my enslaved people.” Given the centrality of wilderness to these poems, this essay draws on the works of Lizabeth Paravisini-Gebert and Elaine Savory, who argue that ecocriticism and postcolonialism, far from possessing competing priorities as many critics have long assumed, are instead natural allies in their shared resistance against economic exploitation. Wilderness can likewise function to preserve a protonationalist independent space, hidden away from colonial regimes. I conclude this paper by examining the resurrection motif in Yeats’s and Burgos’s midperiod poems “Easter 1916” and “23 de septiembre,” wherein these protonationalist spaces appear to return from the dead, cast off their wilderness exile, and fulfill their long-deferred revolutionary projects.


“水与荒野”:WB Yeats、Julia de Burgos 和 Romantic Wilderness

摘要:本文首次将威廉·巴特勒·叶芝与 20 世纪爱尔兰和波多黎各的民族诗人朱莉娅·德·布尔戈斯进行了比较,这两个岛屿长期以来一直是邻近的以英语为中心的超级大国的殖民领地。我首先考察作者的两首最早和最受欢迎的诗——叶芝的“被盗的孩子”(1886 年)和布尔戈斯的“Río Grande de Loíza”(1935 年)——如何将未驯服的荒野想象成帝国管辖的避难所,一个年轻的空间孩子们被带走,以保护他们免受这个世界的眼泪。“因为这个世界充满了你无法理解的哭泣,”为叶芝被盗的孩子唱着仙子,而布尔戈斯称格兰德河本身为“眼泪的大洪水。/ 我们岛上所有眼泪中最伟大的 / 为我被奴役的人民拯救那些来自眼睛 / 我灵魂的更大眼泪。” 考虑到荒野在这些诗歌中的中心地位,本文借鉴了 Lizabeth Paravisini-Gebert 和 Elaine Savory 的作品,他们认为生态批评和后殖民主义远非许多批评家长期以来认为的相互竞争的优先事项,而是它们共同的天然盟友。抵制经济剥削。荒野同样可以保护原始民族主义的独立空间,远离殖民政权。我通过考察叶芝和布尔戈斯中期诗歌“1916 年复活节”和“九月 23 日”中的复活主题来结束这篇论文,其中这些原始民族主义空间似乎从死里复活,摆脱了他们的荒野流放,