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"Quel étranger ici ne se sent pas chez lui?": Leïla Marouane and the Pathology of Failed Integration
Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association Pub Date : 2016-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/mml.2016.0040
Maria Vendetti

In Leïla Marouane's novels Le châtiment des hypocrites (The Punishment of the Hypocrites, 2001) and La vie sexuelle d'un islamiste à Paris (The Sex Life of an Islamist in Paris, 2007), the portrayal of Algerian immigrant characters in France represents an intersection of literature, medical discourse, and sociological critique. The texts, which use fragmented narrative and humor, and which focus on the centrality of the marked body, show how fiction can represent the mental and physical unraveling that goes along with the failure of integration in France. In the two novels, mental illness estranges characters from themselves and others, and from the coherence of narrative, emphasizing the pessimistic view that while efforts at de-inscription are a form of physical and psychological escape, they are also symptoms of a failure of integration that marks these 21st-century characters as descendants of earlier postcolonial novels. Marouane's novels suggest that the only possible response to racism, sexism, and xenophobia is an escalation of violence and an eventual break with reality. The pathologization of this behavior is a creative, but ultimately deeply cynical exploration of contemporary French immigration and society.


“Quel étranger ici ne se sent pas chez lui?”:Leïla Marouane 和失败整合的病理学

在 Leïla Marouane 的小说 Le châtiment des Hypocrites(伪君子的惩罚,2001 年)和 La vie sexuelle d'un islamiste à Paris(巴黎伊斯兰主义者的性生活,2007 年)中,阿尔及利亚移民角色在法国的描绘代表了一种文学、医学话语和社会学批判的交叉点。这些文本使用支离破碎的叙事和幽默,并侧重于被标记的身体的中心性,展示了小说如何表现出随着法国一体化失败而导致的精神和身体瓦解。在这两部小说中,精神疾病使人物与自己和他人以及叙事的连贯性疏远,强调了一种悲观的观点,即去铭文的努力是一种身心逃避的形式,它们也是整合失败的征兆,标志着这些 21 世纪的人物是早期后殖民小说的后裔。Marouane 的小说表明,对种族主义、性别歧视和仇外心理唯一可能的反应是暴力升级并最终与现实决裂。这种行为的病态化是对当代法国移民和社会的一种创造性的,但最终是深沉的愤世嫉俗的探索。