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Trajectories of objectively measured physical activity and mood states in older Japanese adults: longitudinal data from the Nakanojo Study
BioPsychoSocial Medicine ( IF 2.754 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-23 , DOI: 10.1186/s13030-021-00207-0
Shuji Inada 1 , Kazuhiro Yoshiuchi 1 , Sungjin Park 2 , Yukitoshi Aoyagi 2

Japan, like many developed countries, now faces fiscal problems from the escalating health-care expenditures associated with an aging population. Mental health problems such as depression contribute as much to these growing demands as physical disease, and measures to prevent depression are important to controlling costs. There are few longitudinal studies examining the relation between objectively measured physical activity and depressive symptoms. Therefore, the aims of our study were to explore the patterns of change of physical activity in older Japanese adults for 5 years through the use of trajectory analysis and to examine the relation between physical activity trajectories and depressive mood states. Ninety-two male and 99 female volunteers aged 65–85 years were asked to equip themselves with an electronic accelerometer with a 60-day storage capacity for at least 5 years. The parameters calculated each July for the 5 years were the average daily step count and the average daily duration of activity > 3 METs (moderate to vigorous physical activity: MVPA). Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) assessed corresponding mood states (HADS-A and HADS-D). Trajectories of the accelerometer data were analyzed and fifth-year HADS-D and HADS-A scores were compared among trajectory groups using an analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) that controlled for baseline scores and for baseline scores and age. Six and five distinct trajectories were identified for daily step count and for daily duration of MVPA, respectively. Using ANCOVA controlling for baseline scores, HADS-D scores differed significantly among trajectory groups classed by daily duration of MVPA (p = 0.04), and Tukey’s multiple comparison tests showed significant differences between group 2, whose pattern was stable with the middle duration of MVPA, and group 1, whose pattern was stable with the lowest duration of MVPA (p = 0.02), while the results were not significant controlling for both baseline scores and age. Older people with less MVPA continued to do less MVPA over the 5 years of study, which may be related to a future more depressive mood. Further clinical studies will be necessary to clarify these findings.


日本老年人客观测量的身体活动和情绪状态的轨迹:来自 Nakanojo 研究的纵向数据

与许多发达国家一样,日本现在面临着与人口老龄化相关的医疗保健支出不断增加的财政问题。抑郁症等心理健康问题对这些日益增长的需求的贡献与身体疾病一样重要,预防抑郁症的措施对于控制成本很重要。很少有纵向研究检查客观测量的身体活动与抑郁症状之间的关系。因此,我们研究的目的是通过使用轨迹分析来探索日本老年人 5 年身体活动的变化模式,并检查身体活动轨迹与抑郁情绪状态之间的关系。要求 92 名 65 至 85 岁的男性和 99 名女性志愿者为自己配备一个具有 60 天存储容量至少 5 年的电子加速度计。5 年中每年 7 月计算的参数是平均每日步数和平均每日活动持续时间 > 3 METs(中度至剧烈的身体活动:MVPA)。医院焦虑和抑郁量表 (HADS) 评估了相应的情绪状态 (HADS-A 和 HADS-D)。分析加速度计数据的轨迹,并使用控制基线分数和基线分数和年龄的协方差分析 (ANCOVA) 在轨迹组之间比较第五年 HADS-D 和 HADS-A 分数。分别为每日步数和每日 MVPA 持续时间确定了六个和五个不同的轨迹。使用 ANCOVA 控制基线分数,HADS-D 分数在按 MVPA 的每日持续时间分类的轨迹组之间存在显着差异(p = 0.04),Tukey 的多重比较检验显示第 2 组之间存在显着差异,其模式与 MVPA 的中间持续时间稳定和第 1 组,其模式稳定,MVPA 持续时间最短(p = 0.02),而结果在控制基线分数和年龄方面并不显着。在 5 年的研究中,MVPA 较少的老年人继续做较少的 MVPA,这可能与未来更抑郁的情绪有关。需要进一步的临床研究来阐明这些发现。和 Tukey 的多重比较检验显示,第 2 组(其模式在 MVPA 的中间持续时间稳定)和第 1 组(其模式在 MVPA 持续时间最短的情况下稳定)之间存在显着差异(p = 0.02),而控制结果不显着基线分数和年龄。在 5 年的研究中,MVPA 较少的老年人继续做较少的 MVPA,这可能与未来更抑郁的情绪有关。需要进一步的临床研究来阐明这些发现。和 Tukey 的多重比较检验显示,第 2 组(其模式在 MVPA 的中间持续时间稳定)和第 1 组(其模式在 MVPA 持续时间最短的情况下稳定)之间存在显着差异(p = 0.02),而控制结果不显着基线分数和年龄。在 5 年的研究中,MVPA 较少的老年人继续做较少的 MVPA,这可能与未来更抑郁的情绪有关。需要进一步的临床研究来阐明这些发现。这可能与未来更抑郁的情绪有关。需要进一步的临床研究来阐明这些发现。这可能与未来更抑郁的情绪有关。需要进一步的临床研究来阐明这些发现。