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Relationship between Generalized Metacomprehension and Personality Traits
Reading Psychology Pub Date : 2021-02-23 , DOI: 10.1080/02702711.2021.1888347
Erin M. Madison 1 , Erika Kathleen Fulton 1 , Becca N. Huber 1


Perceptions of reading comprehension and knowledge of strategy, called generalized metacomprehension (GM), can influence study habits and metacognition accuracy, ultimately influencing academic success. One factor that may influence GM is personality. Personality likely relates to GM, as it is correlated with other types of cognitive and metacognitive outcomes. Because personality is stable, a moderate relationship with personality may suggest GM is also stable. We hypothesized that personality traits would relate to the Metacomprehension Scale (MCS), and were most interested in perceptions of comprehension ability and control-related subscales. A series of regressions demonstrated openness most strongly predicted overall MCS and related to the most subscales. Specifically, openness was related to our subscales of interest. Additionally, conscientiousness and extraversion were related to GM, although conscientiousness was related to more subscales of interest. This relationship suggests that GM is related to personality and therefore stable, which may have implications for improving GM.




