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Transboundary cooperation and mechanisms for Maritime Spatial Planning implementation. SIMNORAT project
Marine Policy ( IF 4.315 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.marpol.2021.104434
M. Gómez-Ballesteros , C. Cervera - Núñez , M. Campillos-Llanos , A. Quintela , L. Sousa , M. Marques , F.L. Alves , C. Murciano , N. Alloncle , P. Sala , A. Lloret , A.P. Simão , A.C. Costa , D. Carval , D. Bailly , C. Nys , H. Sybill , J. Dilasser

Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) is gaining importance as a new process for the governance of seas and oceans, as maritime nations exercise greater management over their territorial waters and, in many cases, over exclusive economic zones that span a larger area. The purpose of this planning is to reverse the environmental degradation of the seas and facilitate the sustainable use of marine resources, both for mature uses such as fishing and navigation, and for emergent uses, including renewable energies and mariculture. In Europe, the Directive 2014/89/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 establishing a framework for maritime spatial planning oblige coastal Member States to develop maritime spatial plans at the latest by 31st March 2021. To help in that process, countries have at their disposal a set of existing instruments, including research projects, supporting guidelines, recommendations and sets of tools and data, as the SIMNORAT project, co-funded by the EC – DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE). This paper presents best practices developed in this project on technical, scientific, and social aspects of MSP to overcome barriers of MSPD implementation testing effective cooperation on transboundary areas and providing a set of cross-cutting MSP related recommendations to foster collaborative efforts and to improve the overall transboundary dimension of the MSP Directive.



海上空间规划(MSP)作为海洋治理的新过程正变得越来越重要,因为海上国家对其领海以及在许多情况下对跨越较大面积的专属经济区进行更大的管理。该计划的目的是扭转海洋环境退化的趋势,并促进海洋资源的可持续利用,包括捕鱼和航行等成熟用途以及包括可再生能源和海水养殖在内的新兴用途。在欧洲,欧洲议会和理事会2014年7月23日第2014/89 / EU号指令建立了海洋空间规划框架,要求沿海成员国最迟在2021年3月31日之前制定海洋空间规划。过程,各国拥有由EC – DG海事和渔业(DG MARE)共同资助的SIMNORAT项目等一系列现有工具,包括研究项目,支持指南,建议以及工具和数据集。本文介绍了该项目在MSP的技术,科学和社会方面开发的最佳实践,以克服MSPD实施的障碍,测试跨界地区的有效合作,并提供一系列与MSP相关的跨领域建议,以促进合作努力和改善MSP指令的整体跨界维度。
