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Differences in Basic Life Support Knowledge Between Junior Medical Students and Lay People: Web-Based Questionnaire Study
Journal of Medical Internet Research ( IF 7.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-23 , DOI: 10.2196/25125
Ludovic Sturny , Simon Regard , Robert Larribau , Marc Niquille , Georges Louis Savoldelli , François Sarasin , Eduardo Schiffer , Laurent Suppan

Background: Early cardiopulmonary resuscitation and prompt defibrillation markedly increase the survival rate in the event of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA). As future health care professionals, medical students should be trained to efficiently manage an unexpectedly encountered OHCA. Objective: Our aim was to assess basic life support (BLS) knowledge in junior medical students at the University of Geneva Faculty of Medicine (UGFM) and to compare it with that of the general population. Methods: Junior UGFM students and lay people who had registered for BLS classes given by a Red Cross–affiliated center were sent invitation links to complete a web-based questionnaire. The primary outcome was the between-group difference in a 10-question score regarding cardiopulmonary resuscitation knowledge. Secondary outcomes were the differences in the rate of correct answers for each individual question, the level of self-assessed confidence in the ability to perform resuscitation, and a 6-question score, “essential BLS knowledge,” which only contains key elements of the chain of survival. Continuous variables were first analyzed using the Student t test, then by multivariable linear regression. Fisher exact test was used for between-groups comparison of binary variables. Results: The mean score was higher in medical students than in lay people for both the 10-question score (mean 5.8, SD 1.7 vs mean 4.2, SD 1.7; P<.001) and 6-question score (mean 3.0, SD 1.1 vs mean 2.0, SD 1.0; P<.001). Participants who were younger or already trained scored consistently better. Although the phone number of the emergency medical dispatch center was well known in both groups (medical students, 75/80, 94% vs lay people, 51/62, 82%; P=.06), most participants were unable to identify the criteria used to recognize OHCA, and almost none were able to correctly reorganize the BLS sequence. Medical students felt more confident than lay people in their ability to perform resuscitation (mean 4.7, SD 2.2 vs mean 3.1, SD 2.1; P<.001). Female gender and older age were associated with lower confidence, while participants who had already attended a BLS course prior to taking the questionnaire felt more confident. Conclusions: Although junior medical students were more knowledgeable than lay people regarding BLS procedures, the proportion of correct answers was low in both groups, and changes in BLS education policy should be considered.

This is the abstract only. Read the full article on the JMIR site. JMIR is the leading open access journal for eHealth and healthcare in the Internet age.



背景:在院外心脏骤停(OHCA)的情况下,早期心肺复苏和及时除颤可以显着提高生存率。作为未来的医疗保健专业人员,应该对医学生进行培训,以有效地管理意外遇到的OHCA。目的:我们的目的是评估日内瓦大学医学院(UGFM)初级医学生的基本生命支持(BLS)知识,并将其与一般人群的知识进行比较。方法:向红十字会附属中心注册的UGFM初中学生和非专业人士发送邀请链接,以完成基于网络的调查问卷。主要结局是关于心肺复苏知识的10个问题的组间差异。次要结果是每个问题的正确答案率差异,对进行复苏的能力进行自我评估的信心水平以及6个问题的分数“基本BLS知识”,其中仅包含关键要素生存链。连续变量首先使用Student t检验进行分析,然后通过多元线性回归进行分析。Fisher精确检验用于二元变量的组间比较。结果:在10个问题得分(平均5.8,SD 1.7与平均4.2,SD 1.7; P <.001)和6个问题得分(平均3.0,SD 1.1)方面,医学生的平均得分均高于外行人。 vs平均值2.0,SD 1.0; P <.001)。年龄较小或已受过培训的参与者的评分始终更好。尽管这两个组都知道紧急医疗调度中心的电话号码(医科学生为75/80,占94%,外行人员为51/62,占82%; P = .06),但大多数参与者无法识别出紧急情况。用于识别OHCA的标准,几乎没有一个能够正确重组BLS序列。医学生对自己进行复苏的能力比外行人更有信心(平均值4.7,SD 2.2 vs平均值3.1,SD 2.1; P <.001)。女性性别和较高年龄与较低的信心相关,而在参加问卷调查之前已经参加过BLS课程的参与者则更有信心。结论:尽管初级医学生比外行人对BLS程序的了解更多,但两组的正确答案所占比例都很低,
