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Scheiderer motives and equivariant higher topos theory
Advances in Mathematics ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.aim.2021.107651
Elden Elmanto , Jay Shah

We give an algebro-geometric interpretation of C2-equivariant stable homotopy theory by means of the b-topology introduced by Claus Scheiderer in his study of 2-torsion phenomena in étale cohomology. To accomplish this, we first revisit and extend work of Scheiderer on equivariant topos theory by functorially associating to a ∞-topos X with G-action a presentable stable ∞-category SpG(X), which recovers the ∞-category SpG of genuine G-spectra when X is the terminal G-∞-topos. Given a scheme X with 12OX, our construction then specializes to produce an ∞-category SpbC2(X) of “b-sheaves with transfers” as b-sheaves of spectra on the small étale site of X equipped with certain transfers along the extension X[i]X; if X is the spectrum of a real closed field, then SpbC2(X) recovers SpC2. On a large class of schemes, we prove that, after p-completion, our construction assembles into a premotivic functor satisfying the full six functors formalism. We then introduce the b-variant SHb(X) of the ∞-category SH(X) of motivic spectra over X (in the sense of Morel-Voevodsky), and produce a natural equivalence of ∞-categories SHb(X)pSpbC2(X)p through amalgamating the étale and real étale motivic rigidity theorems of Tom Bachmann. This involves a purely algebro-geometric construction of the C2-Tate construction, which may be of independent interest. Finally, as applications, we deduce a “b-rigidity” theorem, use the Segal conjecture to show étale descent of the 2-complete b-motivic sphere spectrum, and construct a parametrized version of the C2-Betti realization functor of Heller-Ormsby.



我们给出对的代数几何解释 C2克劳斯·谢伊德(Claus Scheiderer)在研究电子同调学中的2扭转现象时引入了b-拓扑,从而建立了等价稳定同伦理论。为了实现这一点,我们首先通过功能性地关联到∞-topos来回顾和扩展Scheiderer在等变topos理论上的工作。X具有G动作的可表示的稳定∞类SPGX,它恢复了∞类 SPG真正的G光谱何时X是终端G -∞-topos。鉴于方案X1个2ØX,我们的构造便专门产生∞类 SPbC2X的“ b -sheaves与传输”为b上的小étale站点光谱-sheaves X配备有沿着延伸某些转让X[一世]X; 如果X是一个实地封闭场的光谱,则SPbC2X 恢复 SPC2。在一大类方案上,我们证明了p补全后,我们的结构组装成一个满足所有六个函子形式主义的前驱函子。然后我们介绍b-变量SHbX ∞类别 SHXX上的动能谱(在Morel-Voevodsky的意义上),并产生自然等效的∞类SHbXpSPbC2Xp通过将汤姆·巴赫曼的étale和真实étale动机刚性定理融合在一起。这涉及纯粹的代数几何构造。C2-泰特(Tate)建筑,这可能是独立利益。最后,在应用中,我们推导了一个“ b-刚度”定理,使用Segal猜想来显示2-完全b-势力球谱的étale下降,并构造该参数的参数化版本。C2-Heller-Ormsby的贝蒂实现函子。
