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A Poet’s “Canny Acts of Sabotage”: Diasporic Language in Cathy Park Hong’s Dance Dance Revolution
College Literature Pub Date : 2016-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/lit.2016.0039
Ruth Williams

Cathy Park Hong’s second collection of poetry, Dance Dance Revolution (2007), introduces us to the Desert, a futuristic city through which the Guide, a post-revolutionary South Korean woman, leads an unnamed Historian. In this poetic allegory, Hong exposes readers to the defamiliarizing effects of “Desert Creole,” a linguistic creation that captures the “busy traffic” of an English run through a diasporic blender, creolized to become a language of many tongues. Using Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari’s concept of deterritorialization, this essay illustrates how “Desert Creole” subverts the hegemony of standardized English by unsettling systems of power that connect citizenship to fluency. By situating this language within a migrant population that embraces a similar cultural hybridity, I argue Hong offers readers a model for coalition that recasts revolution for a global era.


诗人的“狡猾的破坏行为”:Cathy Park Hong 舞蹈革命中的流散语言

Cathy Park Hong 的第二部诗集《Dance Dance Revolution》(2007 年)向我们介绍了沙漠,这是一座未来主义的城市,一位革命后的韩国女性导游带领一位不愿透露姓名的历史学家穿过这座城市。在这个诗意的寓言中,洪向读者展示了“沙漠克里奥尔语”的陌生化效果,这是一种语言创作,它捕捉了英语通过流散混合器运行的“繁忙交通”,克里奥尔语化为多种语言的语言。这篇文章使用吉尔斯德勒兹和菲利克斯加塔里的解域概念,说明了“沙漠克里奥尔语”如何通过将公民身份与流畅性联系起来的令人不安的权力体系来颠覆标准化英语的霸权。通过将这种语言置于具有相似文化混合性的移民人口中,