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Creolizing the White Woman's Burden: Mary Seacole Playing "Mother" at the Colonial Crossroads between Panama and Crimea
College Literature Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/lit.2017.0033
Tan-Feng Chang

This essay examines how the creolized formations of race, gender, and empire in Mary Seacole's 1857 memoir, Wonderful Adventures of Mrs. Seacole in Many Lands , challenges Victorian discourses on motherhood and racial purity. Seacole creates an interstitial "Creole" female subjectivity through her creolization of the racial, culinary, and medical aspects of Victorian motherhood. These nursing, cooking, and healing rituals performed by Seacole as a "doctress, nurse, and mother" during the Crimean War allow the memoir to articulate an alternative model of mixed-race motherhood subverting the prevailing nineteenth-century anxieties and stereotyping about the sexual promiscuity of Jamaican womanhood. By reading "Creole" subjectivity as a nonconformist and interracial form of cultural creolization, this essay showcases how the "Creole" subject's maternal and culinary practices can destabilize Victorian racial boundaries and power relationships between colonizer and colonized, home and battlefield, and Britishness and otherness, and further cultivate a space for re-conceiving a creolized empire.



这篇文章探讨了玛丽·西科尔 1857 年的回忆录《西科尔夫人在多地的奇妙冒险》中种族、性别和帝国的克里奥化形式如何挑战维多利亚时代关于母性和种族纯洁的论述。Seacole 通过她对维多利亚时代母亲的种族、烹饪和医学方面的克里奥尔化,创造了一种间隙性的“克里奥尔”女性主体性。在克里米亚战争期间,Seacole 作为“医生、护士和母亲”执行的这些护理、烹饪和治疗仪式使该回忆录阐明了混血母性的另一种模式,颠覆了 19 世纪普遍存在的焦虑和对性的刻板印象牙买加女性的滥交。通过将“克里奥尔语”主体性解读为一种不墨守成规的、跨种族的文化克里奥尔化形式,