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Parallèle des Stuarts et des Bourbons: Les Quatre Stuarts de Chateaubriand au temps de “la restauration possible”
Nineteenth-Century French Studies Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/ncf.2019.0004
Soon-Hee Lee

Abstract:Chateaubriand’s Les Quatre Stuarts (1828) is part of a long discussion of the parallels between the Stuarts and Bourbons, which were of great concern in the early nineteenth century. The fascination or specificity of these comparisons lies in the tension between a completed history and one that was still underway. When Charles X’s absolutistic tendency made more reference to the revolution of 1688 and the substitution of the King, Les Quatre Stuarts, tracing the tragic drama of the Stuarts, emphasized the fundamental difference between the English and the French Restorations and, pointing to the Charter of 1814, made its conviction about the Bourbons’ future resonate. (In French)


斯图尔特与波旁威士忌并行餐厅:Chateaubriand au Temps de Les Quatre斯图尔特

摘要:Chateaubriand的《 Les Quatre Stuarts》(1828年)是对Stuarts和Bourbons之间相似之处的长期讨论的一部分,在19世纪初期,这些相似之处备受关注。这些比较的魅力或特殊性在于完成的历史记录与仍在进行的历史记录之间的张力。当查理十世的专制主义倾向更多地参考1688年的革命和国王的接任时,莱斯·夸特·斯图亚特(Les Quatre Stuarts)追溯了斯图亚特人的悲剧,强调了英法两国和法国复兴时期的根本区别,并指出1814年,人们对波旁威士忌的前途产生了共鸣。(法文)