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"Here, I Could Rove at Will": Harriet Martineau, Sartain's Union Magazine, and Freedom in the Transatlantic Periodical Press
Victorian Periodicals Review Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/vpr.2018.0005
Amanda Adams

Abstract:This essay examines a series of articles by Harriet Martineau published in the Philadelphia-based Sartain's Union Magazine of Literature and Art. Looking beyond their explicit subject of Lakeland tourism and natural beauty, I argue that the series advances a vision of embodied freedom, not just for women like Martineau but for American slaves. She not only donated some of her earnings from the series to two American anti-slavery publications but also obliquely engaged with the intersectional issue of freedom for women and slaves in the content of the narrative.


“在这里,我可以随意漫游”:Harriet Martineau,Sartain 的联合杂志和跨大西洋期刊出版社的自由

摘要:本文考察了 Harriet Martineau 发表在位于​​费城的 Sartain's Union 文学艺术杂志上的一系列文章。超越他们明确的莱克兰旅游和自然美景主题,我认为该系列提出了体现自由的愿景,不仅适用于像 Martineau 这样的女性,也适用于美国奴隶。她不仅将她从该系列中获得的部分收入捐赠给了两家美国反奴隶制出版物,而且还在叙事内容中间接参与了妇女和奴隶自由的交叉问题。