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Ruby Dreams of Janis Joplin by Mary Clearman Blew
Western American Literature Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/wal.2019.0043
O. Alan Weltzien

218 prairie are often poignant but always cleareyed and clearheaded, never sentimental. He can describe a whitetail buck literally belly crawling up a hill to avoid two rifl ecarrying hunters without seeming anthropomorphic. He obviously loves this prairie fl ora and fauna, but his meditations never cloy. Th is is not the kind of book that requires an index, but I wish it had one. Th at is my only complaint. Lantz writes an appreciation of the historian, poet, and philosopher John Joseph Mathews in a chapter titled “An Osage Th oreau.” In Lantz, the tallgrass prairie of the Flint Hills has found its Th oreau.


贾尼斯乔普林的红宝石之梦 by Mary Clearman Blew

218 草原往往是凄美的,但总是清醒的头脑,从不多愁善感。他可以形容一只白尾鹿从字面上爬上山坡以避开两个携带步枪的猎人,而不会显得拟人化。他显然喜欢这片草原动植物,但他的冥想从不乏味。这不是那种需要索引的书,但我希望它有索引。这是我唯一的抱怨。Lantz 在题为“An Osage Th oreau”的一章中对历史学家、诗人和哲学家约翰·约瑟夫·马修斯 (John Joseph Mathews) 表示赞赏。在 Lantz,弗林特山的高草草原找到了它的 Th oreau。