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Romantic Subjects and Iambic Laws: Episodes in the Early History of Contract Negotiations
New Literary History Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/nlh.2018.0037
Jerome McGann

Abstract:The prosodic innovations of free verse, prose poetry, and concrete poetry that overwhelmed poetic practices in the later nineteenth and throughout the twentieth century were grounded in Romantic ideas and practices with vernacular language. While the key agents of change were Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Byron, John Thelwall’s involvement with the British Elocutionary Movement was equally crucial. What Pound called “the first heave” toward prosodic freedom, “To break the pentameter” (Cantos LXXXI), took place in England between 1790 and 1819.



【摘要】自由诗,散文诗和具体诗歌的韵律创新在十九世纪后期乃至整个二十世纪压倒了诗歌实践,其基础是浪漫主义的言语实践。虽然变革的主要推动者是华兹华斯,科尔里奇和拜伦,但约翰·赛尔沃尔(John Thelwall)参与英国大选运动的作用同样至关重要。庞德称其为促成韵律自由的“第一波”,即“打破五角星”(Cantos LXXXI),发生于1790年至1819年的英格兰。