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A Brief Inventory of Translocal Narratability: Pamlipsestuous Street Art in Chris Abani’s The Virgin of Flames
Narrative Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/nar.2018.0015
Lena Mattheis

abstract:This essay aims to fill a gap in the current research on translocal narratives by providing a concept that structures and defines the typical strategies found in contemporary global writing: translocal narratability. Translocal novels narrate side by side two or more different places, such as Lagos and Princeton in Adichie’s Americanah, and thereby show how places and cities can permeate each other as well as the world of the reader. Since contemporary Anglophone novels are increasingly characterized by a global, transcultural, and complex quality that becomes particularly tangible in their spatial settings and narrative voices, translocality has become an important field in literary research, but often responds to questions of ‘what’ rather than of ‘how.’ This essay will therefore illustrate how novels such as Chris Abani’s The Virgin of Flames, or Dionne Brand’s What We All Long For use specific sets of narrative techniques in order to layer urban spaces from diverse parts of the globe to create trans-local stories and to make them accessible and relatable for a wide readership. After briefly explaining which narrative strategies typically produce translocal narratability and which three areas of research inform the concept—translocality, narratology and urban studies—this essay provides an in-depth analysis of how Chris Abani, in his East LA novel The Virgin of Flames, employs the palimpsest as one of the most central tools of global urban narratives. This close reading aims to illustrate some of the techniques that are typical for translocal writing and further expand on the concept of translocal narratability.


跨地域叙事性的简要清单:克里斯·阿巴尼 (Chris Abani) 的《火焰处女》中的 Pamlipsestuous 街头艺术

摘要:本文旨在通过提供一个概念来构建和定义当代全球写作中的典型策略:跨地域叙事性,从而填补当前跨地域叙事研究的空白。跨地域小说并排叙述两个或多个不同的地方,例如 Adichie 的 Americanah 中的拉各斯和普林斯顿,从而展示了地方和城市如何相互渗透以及读者的世界。由于当代英语小说越来越具有全球性、跨文化性和复杂性,在空间背景和叙事声音中变得尤为明显,跨地域性已成为文学研究的一个重要领域,但往往回应“什么”而不是“什么”的问题。 '如何。' 因此,本文将说明诸如克里斯·阿巴尼 (Chris Abani) 的《火焰处女》或迪翁·布兰德 (Dionne Brand) 的《我们都渴望的东西》等小说如何使用特定的叙事技巧来将来自全球不同地区的城市空间分层,从而创造出跨地域的故事和使它们能够被广泛的读者访问并产生共鸣。在简要解释了哪些叙事策略通常会产生跨地域叙事性,以及哪些三个研究领域为这一概念提供了信息——跨地域性、叙事学和城市研究——这篇文章深入分析了 Chris Abani 在他的东洛杉矶小说《火焰圣母》中,使用翻版作为全球城市叙事最核心的工具之一。