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Teacher perspectives on the presence of police officers in English secondary schools: A Critical Race Theory analysis
Race Ethnicity and Education ( IF 3.514 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-22 , DOI: 10.1080/13613324.2021.1890563
Remi Joseph-Salisbury 1


In the context of a racialized moral panic around serious youth violence, we have seen a resurgence of calls to increase the presence of police in English schools in recent years. As well as a lack of popular and political opposition, there is a dearth of critical academic consideration of the placement of police in schools, and even less from a Critical Race Theory perspective. Given that teachers’ perspectives are relatively absent from academic and popular debates, this paper draws upon data from semi-structured interviews with 24 secondary school teachers. In doing so, the paper argues that an increased police presence in school will impact negatively upon learning environments, create a culture of low expectations, criminalize young people, and feed a school-to-prison pipeline. Noting that racially minoritized students will be affected most harshly, the article provides empirical evidence to warn against the presence of police in schools.




在围绕严重青年暴力的种族化道德恐慌的背景下,我们看到近年来要求在英国学校增加警察人数的呼声再次高涨。除了缺乏民众和政治反对派之外,还缺乏对学校警察安置的批判性学术考虑,从批判种族理论的角度来看更是如此。鉴于教师的观点在学术和大众辩论中相对缺乏,本文利用了对 24 名中学教师的半结构化访谈数据。在这样做的过程中,该论文认为,学校警察人数的增加将对学习环境产生负面影响,创造一种低期望的文化,将年轻人定为犯罪,并为从学校到监狱的管道提供支持. 文章指出,少数族裔学生将受到最严重的影响,因此提供了经验证据来警告学校不要出现警察。
