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Developing accomplished writers: Lessons from recent research
Phi Delta Kappan ( IF 0.980 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-22 , DOI: 10.1177/0031721721998155
Steve Benjamin , Michael Wagner

When we examine the state of writing instruction in many schools and classrooms, we find that few teachers are actually teaching students to become better writers in large part because they are relying on process models that do not accurately reflect the complex task of creating good writing and that are out of step with current research. Merely providing prompts for writing, noting a few comments in the margins of first drafts, awarding a letter grade for the second draft, and then moving on to the next piece of writing does not create an environment wherein students will develop as confident and effective writers. Steven Benjamin and Michael Wagner explain that students will develop as better writers when teachers allocate sufficient time to the endeavor, emphasize the importance of multiple feedback-thinking-revision cycles applied to the current piece of writing, set high expectations for students, and provide opportunities for writing in multiple genres and disciplines.



当我们检查许多学校和教室中的写作教学状况时,我们发现很少有老师实际上在教学生如何成为更好的作家,这是因为他们所依赖的过程模型无法准确反映出创造良好写作和写作的复杂任务。与当前的研究不符。仅提供写作提示,在第一稿的空白处注解一些注释,为第二稿授予字母等级,然后再进行下一篇写作,不会创造一个让学生发展为自信而有效的作家的环境。史蒂文·本杰明(Steven Benjamin)和迈克尔·瓦格纳(Michael Wagner)解释说,只要教师分配足够的时间进行学习,学生就会发展成为更好的作家,
