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Four‐dimensional gradient almost Ricci solitons with harmonic Weyl curvature
Mathematische Nachrichten ( IF 1 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-21 , DOI: 10.1002/mana.202000126
Jongsu Kim 1

In this article we make a classification of four‐dimensional gradient almost Ricci solitons with harmonic Weyl curvature. We prove first that any four‐dimensional (not necessarily complete) gradient almost Ricci soliton ( M , g , f , λ ) with harmonic Weyl curvature has less than four distinct Ricci‐eigenvalues at each point. If it has three distinct Ricci‐eigenvalues at each point, then ( M , g ) is locally a warped product with 2‐dimensional base in explicit form, and if g is complete in addition, the underlying smooth manifold is R 2 × M k 2 or R 2 { ( 0 , 0 ) } × M k 2 . Here M k 2 is a smooth surface admitting a complete Riemannian metric with constant curvature k. If ( M , g ) has less than three distinct Ricci‐eigenvalues at each point, it is either locally conformally flat or locally isometric to the Riemannian product R 2 × N λ 2 , λ 0 , where R 2 has the Euclidean metric and N λ 2 is a 2‐dimensional Riemannian manifold with constant curvature λ. We also make a complete description of four‐dimensional gradient almost Ricci solitons with harmonic curvature.



在本文中,我们对具有谐波Weyl曲率的近似Ricci孤子的四维梯度进行了分类。我们首先证明任何四次(不一定是完整的)梯度几乎都是里奇孤子 中号 G F λ 谐Weyl曲率在每个点上具有少于四个不同的Ricci-本征值。如果每个点都有三个不同的Ricci特征值,则 中号 G 是局部具有明显形式的二维底量的翘曲产品,并且如果g另外完整,则基础光滑流形为 [R 2个 × 中号 ķ 2个 或者 [R 2个 - { 0 0 } × 中号 ķ 2个 。这里 中号 ķ 2个 是一个光滑的表面,它接受具有恒定曲率k的完整黎曼度量。如果 中号 G 在每个点上具有少于三个不同的Ricci-本征值,它对于黎曼乘积是局部共形的或局部等距的 [R 2个 × ñ λ 2个 λ 0 , 在哪里 [R 2个 具有欧几里得度量, ñ λ 2个 是具有恒定曲率λ的二维黎曼流形。我们还完整地描述了具有谐波曲率的近似Ricci孤子的四维梯度。