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Quasi-Customary Dispute Resolution Mechanisms in Israel's Darfuri Refugees
Conflict Resolution Quarterly Pub Date : 2017-05-15 , DOI: 10.1002/crq.21198
Doron Pely 1

About 3,500 Darfuri male (and a few female) asylum seekers live in Israel. The majority are 25 to 40 years old. Older men, including village and community dignitaries, stand little chance of surviving the brutal trek. In Darfur, where most inhabitants live in small villages, inter- and intracommunal conflicts are traditionally resolved through the customary justice process of Judiya. But in Israel, Darfuri asylum seekers no longer reside with their kin groups (villages, tribes, clans); instead they often cohabit with asylum seekers from other tribes, clans, and villages, living in crowded conditions, mostly in the poor south side of Tel Aviv—a situation that gives rise to multiple small conflicts. In the absence of their familiar tribal structure, dignitaries, and other interveners, the refugees have no access to the traditional dispute resolution mechanisms they have grown up with. Furthermore, these asylum seekers avoid bringing their conflicts to the attention of the Israeli authorities, for fear of endangering their asylum petitions. The result is that this community finds itself trying to cope with difficult, intracommunal, conflict-rich conditions, without being able to use either traditional conflict resolution mechanisms or local formal justice processes. The response of the Darfuri asylum seekers community to this circumstance has been to develop their own multitier, quasi-customary intracommunal dispute resolution mechanism. This new mechanism combines elements of their traditional, Darfur-based processes, along with newly constructed modifications designed to compensate for the missing elements (e.g., lack of village elders) and make use of available resources (e.g., young community activists). This article employs analysis of multiple interviews and review of relevant literature to identify and describe the unique, informal dispute resolution mechanism that the Darfuri community developed in Israel. Insights developed in this article may help community activists, municipalities, policy makers, nongovernmental organizations, and other individuals and organizations in understanding and facilitating alternative dispute resolution mechanisms within similarly structured and similarly affected displaced persons and asylum seeker communities around the world.



大约 3,500 名达尔富尔男性(和一些女性)寻求庇护者居住在以色列。大多数人年龄在 25 至 40 岁之间。包括村庄和社区要人在内的年长男子几乎没有机会在残酷的跋涉中幸存下来。在达尔富尔,大多数居民居住在小村庄,传统上通过 Judiya 的习惯司法程序解决族群间和族群内冲突。但在以色列,达尔富尔寻求庇护者不再与他们的亲属群体(村庄、部落、氏族)同住;相反,他们经常与来自其他部落、氏族和村庄的寻求庇护者同居,生活在拥挤的环境中,主要是在特拉维夫贫穷的南侧——这种情况引发了多次小冲突。在没有他们熟悉的部落结构、权贵和其他干预者的情况下,难民无法使用与他们一起长大的传统争端解决机制。此外,这些寻求庇护者避免将他们的冲突提请以色列当局注意,以免危及他们的庇护申请。结果是这个社区发现自己试图应对困难的、社区内部的、冲突多发的条件,而无法使用传统的冲突解决机制或当地的正式司法程序。达尔富尔寻求庇护者社区对这种情况的反应是开发自己的多层次、准习惯的社区内争端解决机制。这种新机制结合了其基于达尔富尔的传统进程的要素,以及旨在弥补缺失要素的新构建的修改(例如,缺乏村长)并利用可用资源(例如,年轻的社区活动家)。本文通过对多次访谈的分析和对相关文献的回顾来确定和描述达尔富尔社区在以色列发展起来的独特的、非正式的争端解决机制。本文提出的见解可能有助于社区活动家、市政当局、政策制定者、非政府组织以及其他个人和组织了解和促进世界各地结构相似且受影响相似的流离失所者和寻求庇护者社区内的替代性争议解决机制。本文通过对多次访谈的分析和对相关文献的回顾来确定和描述达尔富尔社区在以色列发展起来的独特的、非正式的争端解决机制。本文提出的见解可能有助于社区活动家、市政当局、政策制定者、非政府组织以及其他个人和组织了解和促进世界各地结构相似且受影响相似的流离失所者和寻求庇护者社区内的替代性争议解决机制。本文通过对多次访谈的分析和对相关文献的回顾来确定和描述达尔富尔社区在以色列发展起来的独特的、非正式的争端解决机制。本文提出的见解可能有助于社区活动家、市政当局、政策制定者、非政府组织以及其他个人和组织理解和促进世界各地结构相似且受影响相似的流离失所者和寻求庇护者社区内的替代性争议解决机制。