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Brexit and the Future of European Criminal Law: A German Perspective
Criminal Law Forum Pub Date : 2017-05-04 , DOI: 10.1007/s10609-017-9315-x
Stefanie Bock

German Chancellor Angela Merkel favours, as a matter of principle, a hard and clean Brexit. This does not mean, however, that it is not in Germany’s interest to maintain a close relationship with the UK in the field of criminal justice cooperation. Thus, from a German perspective it would certainly be desirable if the UK continues to participate in European institutions like Europol and Eurojust. As to mutual assistance it seems, in contrast, questionable how the European Criminal Justice System based on mutual recognition and trust can reach out to a State who is in the course of leaving the Union. In this respect, the extradition of own nationals, prohibited by the German Basic Law in principle, is a crucial issue.



德国总理安格拉·默克尔 (Angela Merkel) 原则上赞成强硬而干净的英国退欧。然而,这并不意味着在刑事司法合作领域与英国保持密切关系不符合德国的利益。因此,从德国的角度来看,如果英国继续参与欧洲刑警组织和欧洲司法组织等欧洲机构,那肯定是可取的。相比之下,在互助方面,基于相互承认和信任的欧洲刑事司法系统如何能够接触到正在离开欧盟的国家,这似乎是值得怀疑的。在这方面,德国基本法原则上禁止引渡本国国民是一个关键问题。