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Reading scientists in the high school classroom: peer and teacher mediation
Physics Education Pub Date : 2021-02-19 , DOI: 10.1088/1361-6552/abe0cd
Cassiano Rezende Pagliarini 1 , Maria Jos P M de Almeida 2

The role of peer and teacher mediation in discussions about two original scientific texts in the final year of high school in Brazil is explored in this study. A text by James C Maxwell, deals with the characterisation of light as an electromagnetic phenomenon, and refers to the continuous manner of the distribution of energy by radiation in space. The other, by Ludwig Boltzmann, is about thermodynamics in its probabilistic conception and some of its consequences for the comprehension of the nature of heat. We analyse some of the students’ interpretations using a version of discourse analysis, developed in Brazil following the French tradition of Michel Pcheux. We highlight interactions that contribute to the reading of the texts and the mediations of both the teacher and peers that promote the establishment of relevant meanings about physics concepts. The appropriation of their statements about the content is observed in this communicative approach. We contribute to the investigation of physics teaching using strategies informed by a humane scientific and cultural educational perspective in high schools.



本研究探讨了同伴和教师调解在巴西高中最后一年有关两种原始科学文献的讨论中的作用。詹姆斯·麦克斯韦(James C Maxwell)撰写的文章将光的特征描述为一种电磁现象,并涉及通过辐射在空间中进行能量分配的连续方式。另一则是由路德维希·玻尔兹曼(Ludwig Boltzmann)提出的,它涉及概率论中的热力学及其对热性质理解的一些后果。我们使用一种话语分析方法来分析学生的一些解释,这种话语分析方法是根据法国的Michel Pcheux传统在巴西开发的。我们重点介绍了有助于课本阅读的互动以及老师和同伴的调解,这些互动促进了有关物理概念相关意义的确立。在这种交流方式中可以观察到他们对内容的陈述是适当的。我们以高中人文科学和文化教育视角为指导的策略,为物理教学的研究做出了贡献。
