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Progressing diversification and biogeography of the mesopelagic Nematoscelis (Crustacea: Euphausiacea) in the Atlantic
ICES Journal of Marine Science ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-05 , DOI: 10.1093/icesjms/fsab028
D N Kulagin , A A Lunina , U V Simakova , A L Vereshchaka

Evolutionary mechanisms driving the diversification of pelagic animals remain poorly understood, partly due to the high levels of gene flow in the open ocean. We use molecular phylogenetics, morphological, and phylogeographic approaches to test the allopatric speciation model in respect to the Atlantic krill genus Nematoscelis. Based on our observations, we hypothesize that diversification in genus Nematoscelis may occur through three progressing stages: (i) populations separated geographically and divergence occurred in the mitochondrial COI gene only (Nematoscelis megalops, one clade of Nematoscelis tenella), (ii) morphology diverged (clades of Nematoscelis microps and Nematoscelis atlantica), and (iii) the nuclear H3 gene diverged (clades of N. tenella). Our results confirm allopatric expectations and the dispersal-limiting speciation model. We propose that the primary driver of diversification is geographic isolation coupled with hydrology-linked gene barriers at ∼14–22°N (new) and ∼30°S. The second driver preventing hybridization of diverged populations is linked to external morphology, i.e. enlarged photophores and chitin saddles on the pleon of males, which facilitate sexual selection by female choice. Same-male forms, even belonging to different species, rarely co-occur, which makes the selection effective and not biased. Our results implicate a significant role of non-copulatory characters in Nematoscelis speciation.



推动远洋动物多样化的进化机制仍然知之甚少,部分原因是公海中的基因流动水平很高。我们使用分子系统发育学、形态学和系统地理学方法来测试关于大西洋磷虾线虫属的异域物种形成模型。根据我们的观察,我们假设线虫属的多样化可能通过三个发展阶段发生:(i) 种群在地理上分离,并且仅在线粒体 COI 基因中发生分歧(Nematoscelis megalops,Nematoscelis tenella 的一个进化枝),(ii) 形态分化(Nematoscelis microps 和 Nematoscelis atlantica 的进化枝),和(iii)核 H3 基因分化(N.tenella 的进化枝)。我们的结果证实了异域预期和限制扩散的物种形成模型。我们提出多样化的主要驱动力是地理隔离以及在~14-22°N(新)和~30°S处与水文相关的基因屏障。阻止分化种群杂交的第二个驱动因素与外部形态有关,即雄性的 pleon 上扩大的发光体和几丁质鞍座,这促进了雌性选择的性选择。相同雄性的形式,即使属于不同的物种,也很少同时出现,这使得选择有效且没有偏见。我们的结果暗示了非交配特征在线虫物种形成中的重要作用。雄性的 pleon 上扩大的发光体和几丁质鞍座,这有利于雌性选择的性选择。相同雄性的形式,即使属于不同的物种,也很少同时出现,这使得选择有效且没有偏见。我们的结果暗示了非交配特征在线虫物种形成中的重要作用。雄性的 pleon 上扩大的发光体和几丁质鞍座,这有利于雌性选择的性选择。相同雄性的形式,即使属于不同的物种,也很少同时出现,这使得选择有效且没有偏见。我们的结果暗示了非交配特征在线虫物种形成中的重要作用。