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Understanding the value of the creative arts: place-based perspectives from regional Australia
Cultural Trends ( IF 2.059 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-19 , DOI: 10.1080/09548963.2021.1889343
Sasha Mackay 1 , Helen Klaebe 2 , Donna Hancox 1 , Sandra Gattenhof 1


This article highlights challenges of attempting to rigorously evaluate and meaningfully communicate the social impacts of arts and culture in regional Australia. By examining how arts and culture are perceived in two geographically opposed communities, this research finds the benefits of arts engagement can be tangible and intangible, and both offer high value to regional communities. More nuanced approaches to impact assessment can help to effectively account for an array of understandings of the value of arts and culture, beyond solely numerical measures, and instead ascribe worth to localized narrative indicators of success. Opportunities exist in increasing attention to place. Sensitivity to place can illuminate how regional communities innovatively leverage creative capacities, address local challenges and create localized impact. This research suggests the value of arts and culture might be best understood at a local level, and that community-led and community-generated creative experiences are those which communities find most impactful.




