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The ethnicised hustle: Narratives of enterprise and postfeminism among young migrant women
European Journal of Cultural Studies ( IF 2.099 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-19 , DOI: 10.1177/1367549421988948
Sherene Idriss 1

Discourses of hustling are ever-present in a global, capitalist society in which, among other reforms, notions of time are compressed and intensified and neoliberalism is operationalised as a form of affective self-governance. Global brand campaigns like Nike’s ‘Rise and Grind’ want consumers to believe that hard work and persistence produces individual exceptionalism. Young people working in technology, cultural and creative industries in urban cities ‘never stop hustling – one never exits a kind of work rapture, in which the chief purpose of exercising or attending a concert is to get inspiration that leads back to the desk’ . This is the latest iteration of a corporatised vision of the hustle that seeks to glamourise exploitative working conditions, creating a culture where overwork and an obsession with being productive is the norm. This article considers how these discourses come into contact with localised migrant understandings of ‘the hustle’: an orientation to work rooted in the legacy of ethnic entrepreneurship. Drawing on a qualitative study with creative and cultural workers of ethnic minority backgrounds in Australia, the article explores their motivations to pursue creative vocational pathways in spite of structural challenges. While creative and cultural workers are heralded as model entrepreneurial subjects for their highly autonomous and flexible work patterns, here I draw on narratives about work and creative expression to suggest that the experiences of racialised young women lead to new possibilities for a race critical analysis of postfeminist, neoliberal discourses of entrepreneurship. By exploring how precarity and work insecurity is negotiated in the context of racialised young women’s lives, I ask what the implications are for minority young women who buy into the neoliberal values of individual exceptionalism and the myths of meritocracy while remaining embedded in their local communities.



在全球的资本主义社会中,喧嚣的话语一直存在,在该社会中,除其他改革外,时间观念被压缩和强化,新自由主义作为情感自治的一种形式被实施。耐克(Nike)的“崛起与磨砺(Rise and Grind)”等全球品牌宣传活动希望消费者相信,艰苦奋斗和坚持不懈会产生个人例外。在城市中从事技术,文化和创意产业工作的年轻人“永不停止喧嚣-永不退出工作狂,在其中锻炼或参加音乐会的主要目的是获得灵感并带回办公桌”。这是对赶时髦的公司化愿景的最新迭代,该挑战旨在美化剥削性的工作条件,营造一种文化,在这种文化中,过度劳累和对生产力的执着成为常态。本文考虑了这些话语如何与本地移民对“喧嚣”的理解相联系:对工作的定位植根于民族企业家精神的遗产。本文以对澳大利亚少数民族背景的创意和文化工作者的定性研究为基础,探讨了尽管面临结构性挑战,但他们追求创意职业道路的动机。尽管创意和文化工作者因其高度自治和灵活的工作模式而被誉为企业家榜样,但在这里我借鉴关于工作和创意表达的叙述,以表明种族主义的年轻女性的经历为对女权主义者的种族批判性分析带来了新的可能性。 ,关于企业家的新自由主义话语。
