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So Much to Lose: John F. Kennedy and American Policy in Laos
Journal of Cold War Studies ( IF 0.620 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-01 , DOI: 10.1162/jcws_r_00865
Kai Chen 1

made Rusi a scapegoat in the eyes of the wide news-watching audiences if information about it had not been leaked to the media and if the media had not made a scandal out of it. The media worked in favor of the slanderers, either knowingly or out of laziness, presenting the case as if Rusi was assumed to be guilty by default. The Rusi case has been thoroughly sorted out (a court case also found the state guilty of groundless indictment), but the discussion the book inspires should only be starting. The authors deserve thanks for getting the truth out, helping to deter would-be slanderers in the future. Campaigns of defamation still occur, however. In our golden age of “fake news” we should be less worried about Internet trolls and more vigilant about professionally orchestrated kompromat operations, of which the Rusi case is an unusually blatant example.



如果有关它的信息没有泄露给媒体,如果媒体没有从中制造丑闻,那么鲁西就会成为广大新闻观众眼中的替罪羊。媒体有意或出于懒惰而支持诽谤者,将案件呈现为好像Rusi被默认为有罪。鲁西案已经彻底解决(一个法庭案件还认定国家犯有毫无根据的起诉),但该书引发的讨论应该才刚刚开始。作者应该感谢他们揭露真相,帮助阻止未来可能的诽谤者。然而,诽谤运动仍然时有发生。在我们这个“假新闻”的黄金时代,我们应该少担心互联网巨魔,而对专业策划的 kompromat 操作更加警惕,