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The Civil War Battlefield Staff Ride in the Twenty-first Century
Civil War History Pub Date : 2016-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/cwh.2016.0036
Christian B. Keller , Ethan S. Rafuse

In the second half of the nineteenth century, Prussian military leaders made the systematic study of history a critical part of their program for training officers. One manifestation of this emphasis was their making participation in a staff ride the final step in the training of officers for the elite general staff. The staff ride consists of an in-depth study of an historical campaign through systematic reading of related primary and secondary sources, followed by an extensive visit to the actual sites associated with the campaign. In contrast to battlefield tours, which entail listening to a guide describe and explain events, the staff ride requires extensive student participation and emphasizes analysis and discussion in order to sharpen critical thinking skills on matters such as the effect of terrain on operations, the range of factors that shape command decisions, and the timeless human dimensions of warfare. The remarkable effectiveness of the Prussian military in the Wars of German Unification inspired the U.S. Army to adopt many of its methods, including the staff ride as an instructional tool, which led the War Department to take a leading role in the preservation of America’s battlefields. Today, staff rides are formal parts of officer training programs throughout the country, including those at the U.S. Military Academy, Marine Corps University, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, and U.S. Army War College.1



在 19 世纪下半叶,普鲁士军事领导人将系统的历史研究作为其军官培训计划的重要组成部分。这种强调的一个表现是他们将参加参谋骑乘作为精英总参谋人员培训军官的最后一步。工作人员骑行包括通过系统阅读相关的主要和次要资源对历史运动进行深入研究,然后广泛访问与运动相关的实际地点。与需要听导游描述和解释事件的战场之旅不同,员工骑行需要学生的广泛参与,并强调分析和讨论,以提高对地形对行动的影响等问题的批判性思维能力,影响指挥决策的因素范围,以及战争中永恒的人性维度。普鲁士军队在德国统一战争中的显着效力激励美国军队采用其许多方法,包括将参谋骑乘作为一种教学工具,从而使战争部在保护美国战场方面发挥主导作用。如今,参谋骑乘已成为全国军官培训计划的正式组成部分,包括美国军事学院、海军陆战队大学、美国陆军司令部和总参谋学院以及美国陆军战争学院。 1 包括参谋骑乘作为一种教学工具,这使得美国陆军部在保护美国战场方面发挥了主导作用。如今,参谋骑乘已成为全国军官培训计划的正式组成部分,包括美国军事学院、海军陆战队大学、美国陆军司令部和总参谋学院以及美国陆军战争学院。 1 包括参谋骑乘作为一种教学工具,这使得美国陆军部在保护美国战场方面发挥了主导作用。如今,参谋骑乘已成为全国军官培训计划的正式组成部分,包括美国军事学院、海军陆战队大学、美国陆军司令部和总参谋学院以及美国陆军战争学院。 1