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The Death of Democracy: Hitler's Rise to Power and the Downfall of the Weimar Republic. By Benjamin Carter Hett. New York: Henry Holt, Pp. xvii + 267. Paper $28.00. ISBN 978-1250162502.
Central European History ( IF 0.520 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-01 , DOI: 10.1017/s0008938919000256
Jochen Hung

Anschluss as the culmination of a thousand-year struggle for German national unity. Despite the merits of this meticulous study, further discussion of continuities in German history—and specifically of why arguments based on völkisch thinking eventually trumped traditional German state interests—is necessary. Vermeiren is right to see 1918 as a caesura: the scope and duration of ideas about the Nibelungentreue were limited, but their consequences were not. The rhetoric of Anschluss exerted a lasting fascination on later generations of Germans, as Social Democrats and Pan-Germans both sought to appropriate its appeal for their own purposes. But these are only minor criticisms. The First World War and German National Identity contains much of interest for scholars and readers interested in transnational European history, nationalism, and the complexities of history and memory in twentiethcentury Austria and Germany. Vermeiren’s work is convincing, in the end, not only because of the wealth of material it draws upon and the author’s mastery of the mass of literature on World War I, but also because it questions established notions about the dynamic reciprocal relationship between war and society—something that had far-reaching implications for the further course of German history.


民主之死:希特勒上台与魏玛共和国的垮台。本杰明·卡特·赫特 纽约:亨利·霍尔特(Henry Holt),Pp。xvii +267。纸张$ 28.00。ISBN 978-1250162502。
