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Reviews in American History Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/rah.2019.0012
Thomas Dublin

These six volumes of selected papers of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony are the culmination of three decades of concerted research, beginning with the assembling of a 45-reel microfilm collection of all the documents by, to, or about Stanton and Anthony that Patricia Holland, Ann Gordon, and their team could find by searching more than 200 archives and almost 700 publications.1 After the completion of the microfilm collection in 1991, Ann Gordon secured further funding and assembled a talented team of editorial assistants and undergraduate students. Over the next two decades that evolving group selected, edited, and annotated almost 1,500 documents (about an eighth of the microfilm collection), which became the six volumes of the Selected Papers. Since the Selected Papers are drawn from the microfilm edition, readers of the volumes benefit from the construction of that original collection. Holland and Gordon describe that foundational work in The Papers of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony: guide and index to the microfilm edition.2 The guide traces the provenance of Stanton and Anthony’s surviving papers and the process of assembling them in the microfilm edition. Despite the length of their collaboration as leaders of the woman’s rights movement and later the woman suffrage movement, Stanton and Anthony preserved very little in the way of personal or organizational papers. Stanton’s place of residence moved a great deal and she cleaned out her papers regularly. Anthony saved materials more extensively, but after the completion of Ida Husted Harper’s three-volume The Life and Work of Susan B. Anthony (1898), Harper and Anthony agreed to destroy most of the original documents that Harper had excerpted and interspersed in the narrative. Harper wrote about her biography of Anthony: “this is the only authentic biography of her that can be written, as the letters and documents will not be accessible to other historians” (Guide, p. 4). Thus, the microfilm edition was largely constructed from the dispersed archival collections of their correspondents and contemporary published pamphlets, proceedings, and newspaper accounts. Because so much of Stanton and Anthony’s incoming correspondence was destroyed, recovered outgoing



伊丽莎白·卡迪·斯坦顿 (Elizabeth Cady Stanton) 和苏珊·B·安东尼 (Susan B. Anthony) 的这六卷精选论文是 30 年共同研究的高潮,首先是汇编了 45 卷缩微胶卷集,其中包含了斯坦顿和安东尼的所有文件、作者或关于斯坦顿和安东尼的文件Patricia Holland、Ann Gordon 和他们的团队可以通过搜索 200 多个档案和近 700 种出版物找到。1 1991 年缩微胶卷收藏完成后,Ann Gordon 获得了进一步的资金支持,并组建了一支由编辑助理和本科生组成的才华横溢的团队。在接下来的 20 年中,这个不断发展的小组选择、编辑和注释了近 1,500 份文件(约占缩微胶卷收藏的八分之一),成为六卷精选论文。由于入选论文选自缩微胶卷版,本书的读者受益于原始收藏的构建。Holland 和 Gordon 在 The Papers of Elizabeth Cady Stanton 和 Susan B. Anthony 中描述了这项基础工作:缩微胶卷版指南和索引。2 该指南追溯了 Stanton 和 Anthony 幸存论文的出处以及将它们组装到缩微胶卷版的过程. 尽管他们作为妇女权利运动和后来的妇女选举权运动的领导者合作了很长时间,但斯坦顿和安东尼几乎没有保留个人或组织文件。斯坦顿的住处经常搬家,她定期清理文件。Anthony 更广泛地保存材料,但在完成 Ida Husted Harper 的三卷本 The Life and Work of Susan B. Anthony (1898) 之后,哈珀和安东尼同意销毁哈珀摘录并散布在叙述中的大部分原始文件。哈珀在谈到她的安东尼传记时写道:“这是唯一可以写出的关于她的真实传记,因为其他历史学家无法访问这些信件和文件”(指南,第 4 页)。因此,缩微胶卷版本主要是由其通讯员和当代出版的小册子、会议录和报纸报道的分散档案馆藏构成的。因为斯坦顿和安东尼收到的大部分信件都被销毁了,恢复了传出 因为其他历史学家将无法访问这些信件和文件”(指南,第 4 页)。因此,缩微胶卷版本主要是由其通讯员和当代出版的小册子、会议录和报纸报道的分散档案馆藏构成的。因为斯坦顿和安东尼收到的大部分信件都被销毁了,恢复了传出 因为其他历史学家将无法访问这些信件和文件”(指南,第 4 页)。因此,缩微胶卷版本主要是由其通讯员和当代出版的小册子、会议录和报纸报道的分散档案馆藏构成的。因为斯坦顿和安东尼收到的大部分信件都被销毁了,恢复了传出