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Reconstructing Human Rights Violations Using Large Eyewitness Video Collections: The Case of Euromaidan Protester Deaths
Journal of Human Rights Practice Pub Date : 2018-02-01 , DOI: 10.1093/jhuman/huy005
Jay D Aronson , McKenna Cole , Alex Hauptmann , Dan Miller , Bradley Samuels

The widespread availability of mobile phones with high quality cameras means that events around the world can be live streamed or captured on video and rapidly shared via social media. Because this video is multi-perspectival, it can tell the story of an event from many different vantage points, providing a synthetic and composite form of documentation that has the potential to enrich our understanding of events of interest. While video has the potential to provide valuable information, variability in recording platforms and metadata can make a large video archive complex and very difficult to analyse. This paper describes a platform developed by a multidisciplinary team to organize and analyse a large collection of event-based video. It also explains how the system is being deployed to aid in the investigation of allegations of abuses by security forces during the 2013–2014 Euromaidan Protests in Kiev, Ukraine. This platform includes a video archiving system, semiautomated tools for video synchronization and geolocation, and visual interfaces for exploring video data. This system will be useful for the investigation and analysis of protests and demonstrations, mass government repression, police brutality, conflict events, and disasters. The paper concludes by noting that video—even in high volume—does not tell the entire story of an event. As with all other forms of evidence, it must be combined with other available data and relevant knowledge in order to provide a nuanced understanding of what has taken place. * Jay D. Aronson (aronson@andrew.cmu.edu) is the founder and director of the Center for Human Rights Science, and associate professor of science, technology, and society, at Carnegie Mellon University. Alex Hauptmann is a principal systems scientist in Carnegie Mellon University’s Language Technologies Institute. Bradley Samuels is a founding partner at SITU Research, an interdisciplinary practice working in design, visualization, and spatial analysis in the service of human rights reporting and fact finding, where McKenna Cole and Dan Miller carried out research, design, and software development on this project. VC The Author(s) 2018. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For permissions, please email: journals.permissions@oup.com Journal of Human Rights Practice, 2018, 1–20 doi: 10.1093/jhuman/huy005 Policy and Practice Note Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/jhrp/advance-article-abstract/doi/10.1093/jhuman/huy005/4976458 by guest on 19 April 2018


使用大量目击者视频集重建侵犯人权行为:Euromaidan 抗议者死亡案例

配备高质量摄像头的手机的广泛使用意味着世界各地的事件可以实时流式传输或捕获视频,并通过社交媒体快速共享。因为这个视频是多视角的,它可以从许多不同的角度讲述一个事件的故事,提供一种合成和复合形式的文档,有可能丰富我们对感兴趣事件的理解。虽然视频有可能提供有价值的信息,但录制平台和元数据的可变性会使大型视频档案变得复杂且难以分析。本文描述了一个由多学科团队开发的平台,用于组织和分析大量基于事件的视频。它还解释了如何部署该系统以帮助调查 2013-2014 年乌克兰基辅 Euromaidan 抗议期间安全部队滥用职权的指控。该平台包括视频存档系统、用于视频同步和地理定位的半自动化工具以及用于探索视频数据的可视化界面。该系统将有助于调查和分析抗议和示威、大规模政府镇压、警察暴行、冲突事件和灾难。该论文最后指出,即使是大量视频,也不能讲述事件的整个故事。与所有其他形式的证据一样,它必须与其他可用数据和相关知识相结合,以便对所发生的事情有细致入微的理解。* Jay D. Aronson (aronson@andrew.cmu. edu) 是卡内基梅隆大学人权科学中心的创始人和主任,以及科学、技术和社会副教授。Alex Hauptmann 是卡内基梅隆大学语言技术研究所的首席系统科学家。Bradley Samuels 是 SITU Research 的创始合伙人,SITU Research 是一家从事设计、可视化和空间分析的跨学科实践,为人权报告和事实调查服务,McKenna Cole 和 Dan Miller 在这里进行了研究、设计和软件开发。项目。VC The Author(s) 2018. 牛津大学出版社出版。版权所有。如需许可,请发送电子邮件至:journals.permissions@oup.com Journal of Human Rights Practice, 2018, 1–20 doi: 10.1093/jhuman/huy005 Policy and Practice Note 从 https://academic.oup 下载。