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Referenced reflections to my wurrumay (son): awareness of the impact of colonisation
AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples Pub Date : 2020-10-28 , DOI: 10.1177/1177180120967997
Reakeeta Louise Smallwood 1, 2

Yaama (Hello)! This article will take you on a journey, through my eyes and my experiences. I hope you are ready to hear, explore and come to understand the context that I am positioned within as a Gamilaroi yinarr (woman) from Australia. I acknowledge Elders, past, present and future. For they have forged the way before us, and they have inspired me to articulate my experiences. In this article I share my Indigenous voice within the academic space with the aim to draw attention to the issue of colonisation and enable cross-cultural understanding. Throughout this article, I have utilised my voice to reference my reflections on the challenges related to colonisation in two distinct formats: an open letter to my sons (as they are my future) and a paper for you, the reader. Within this space, I acknowledge my accountability to myself as a Gamilaroi yinarr, guni (mother) and researcher.



Yaama(你好)!本文将通过我的眼睛和我的经历带您踏上旅途。我希望您准备好聆听,探索和了解我作为澳大利亚Gamilaroi yinarr(女性)所处的环境。我感谢长者,过去,现在和将来。因为他们在我们面前开辟了道路,并激发了我阐明自己的经历。在本文中,我将在学术界分享我的土著声音,以引起人们对殖民化问题的关注并实现跨文化理解。在整篇文章中,我都用自己的声音以两种不同的形式引用我对殖民化挑战的思考:给儿子们的公开信(因为这是我的未来)和给读者(读者)的论文。在这个空间里
