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Is It Race, Class, or Gender? The Sources of Perceived Discrimination in Brazil
Latin American Politics and Society ( IF 1.673 ) Pub Date : 2017-02-02 , DOI: 10.1111/laps.12010
Matthew L. Layton , Amy Erica Smith

Observers have long noted Brazil's distinctive racial politics: the coexistence of relatively integrated race relations and a national ideology of “racial democracy” with deep social inequalities along color lines. Those defending a vision of a nonracist Brazil attribute such inequalities to mechanisms perpetuating class distinctions. This article examines how members of disadvantaged groups perceive their disadvantage and what determines self-reports of discriminatory experiences, using 2010 AmericasBarometer data. About a third of respondents reported experiencing discrimination. Consistent with Brazilian national myths, respondents were much more likely to report discrimination due to their class than to their race. Nonetheless, the respondent's skin color, as coded by the interviewer, was a strong determinant of reporting class as well as race and gender discrimination. Race is more strongly associated with perceived “class” discrimination than is household wealth, education, or region of residence; female gender intensifies the association between color and discrimination.



观察家们早就注意到了巴西独特的种族政治:相对一体化的种族关系和“种族民主”的国家意识形态与严重的社会不平等并存。那些捍卫非种族主义巴西愿景的人将这种不平等归因于使阶级区别长期存在的机制。本文使用 2010 年 AmericasBarometer 数据研究了弱势群体成员如何看待自己的劣势以及是什么决定了歧视性经历的自我报告。大约三分之一的受访者表示遭受过歧视。与巴西的民族神话一致,受访者报告歧视的可能性要大得多,因为他们的阶级而不是他们的种族。尽管如此,受访者的肤色,由采访者编码,是报告阶层以及种族和性别歧视的重要决定因素。与家庭财富、教育或居住地区相比,种族与感知的“阶级”歧视更密切相关;女性性别强化了肤色和歧视之间的联系。