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Social movements and international relations: a relational framework
Journal of International Relations and Development ( IF 1.333 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-11 , DOI: 10.1057/s41268-019-00180-w
Thomas R. Davies , Alejandro M. Peña

Social movements are increasingly recognized as significant features of contemporary world politics, yet to date their treatment in international relations theory has tended to obfuscate the considerable diversity of these social formations, and the variegated interactions they may establish with state actors and different structures of world order. Highlighting the difficulties conventional liberal and critical approaches have in transcending conceptions of movements as moral entities, the article draws from two under-exploited literatures in the study of social movements in international relations, the English School and Social Systems Theory, to specify a wider range of analytical interactions between different categories of social movements and of world political structures. Moreover, by casting social movement phenomena as communications, the article opens international relations to consideration of the increasingly diverse trajectories and second-order effects produced by social movements as they interact with states, intergovernmental institutions, and transnational actors.



社会运动越来越被认为是当代世界政治的重要特征,但迄今为止,它们在国际关系理论中的处理往往混淆了这些社会形态的相当多的多样性,以及它们可能与国家行为者和世界秩序的不同结构建立的各种互动. 这篇文章突出了传统自由主义和批判方法在超越作为道德实体的运动概念方面的困难,借鉴了国际关系中社会运动研究中两篇未被充分利用的文献,即英国学派和社会系统理论,以指定更广泛的范围不同类别的社会运动和世界政治结构之间的分析相互作用。此外,通过将社会运动现象视为传播,