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Evaluating efficacy of environmental education programming
School Science and Mathematics Pub Date : 2019-01-23 , DOI: 10.1111/ssm.12319
Rayelynn Brandl 1 , Arlene Alvarado 1 , Abigail Peltomaa 1

The Clark Fork Watershed was declared a Superfund site in 1983 and the State of Montana filed its complaint against Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO) shortly thereafter for recovery of damages to the watershed. The series of settlements from this suit marked the beginning of the era of Superfund in the Clark Fork Watershed, which has resulted in major changes in the landscape and ecosystems of the areas surrounding the Clark Fork River (Connole (Brandl), 2016). Founded in 2005, the Clark Fork Watershed Education Program (Cfwep.Org) was formed to help students and local citizens better understand the nature of the Superfund status of the watershed, and to create a legacy of environmental stewards who would ensure that the clean-up was not only successful in the short-term, but sustained for the long-term. In environmental education programming, evaluations that meet the gold standard for education research are limited. Most program evaluations have small sample sizes and do not have statistical power that allows researchers to draw firm conclusions about the effect of the programming. While most environmental education proponents argue that programming is not only effective, but also critical to the health and well-being of students, the data to support this claim are somewhat lacking as there are few large-scale studies available (Coertjens, et. al 2006; Duvall & Zint 2007; Liebermann and Hoody 1998; Semken & Freeman 2008; Sobel, 2004; West 2015). While the Cfwep.Org program evaluation is still limited, the large data set and long-term look at program efficacy provides an intriguing study. Cfwep.Org staff visit with students for 4 days to provide background information and miningrelated science lessons; a couple of days later, students are taken on a fieldtrip to assess the health of a restored stream, tour remediated sites, and then brought to Montana Tech’s campus to review the data and draw conclusions. Since 2008, student data outcomes were collected in the form of a test administered by teachers prior to the 4-day classroom visit (pre-test) and the same test administered a few days after the fieldtrip (post-test). The test has been modified over the years, therefore, only data from 2012-2016 were analyzed for this paper, since the test is comparable during this 4-year period. The 2012-2016 test consists of 18 questions. Eight of those questions are attitudinal survey questions – four about stewardship and four about the science process. Analysis of the attitudinal items is completed by calculating Cohen’s d effect sizes (Cohen, 1977). The remaining ten questions test for knowledge about the background issues and science-related questions. The tests are completed by students using Scantron answer sheets and are scored using the Apperson Grademaster 600 scanner. Results indicate that Cfwep.Org effectively reaches the program goals of increasing students’ understanding of the nature of the ecological impacts within their watershed as related to historic mining damage and to increasing stewardship of newly restored landscapes. Data sets from 2012-2016 were evaluated for student knowledge gains and include 2,272 students' pre-tests and 2,251 students' post-tests. Data sets from 2013-2106 were evaluated for attitudes toward science and disposition toward caring for the environment and include 1,479 students' pre-test surveys and 1,460 students' post-test surveys. The results of this study indicate that the program’s goals are being achieved. Students gain significantly on knowledge surveys, with a 30% overall gain preto post-test. The student knowledge gains were strongly statistically significant (p <0.001). Students also move toward greater positive responses in both attitudes toward science and disposition toward caring for the environment with Cohen’s d effect sizes of medium effect for caring toward the environment (d = 0.52) and small effect of positive disposition toward science (d = 0.24). Cfwep.Org programming has a positive impact for students’ attitudes and disposition as well as their understanding about the issues related to the Superfund status of the Clark Fork. Programming like Cfwep.Org’s requires a time commitment from teachers and school districts. The essent ial question for administrators and teachers is whether or not the programming is effective. In other words, do students benefit from the programming or is the programming a waste of time in terms of knowledge gain? The results of this study indicate that not only is the programming effective in terms of knowledge gains about science topics, but also effective in helping students develop a positive attitude toward science overall. Because students are engaged in meaningful, relevant, data collection related to something they already care about (the environment), they begin to display more positive disposition toward collecting and analyzing that data. The context of the environment and their local community is powerful for engagement and interest (Sobel, 2005). The National Research Council has recommended that students be engaged in relevant and meaningful projects that relate to their environment and society (NRC, 2012). Engagement ensures that students will spend greater effort learning materials and are less likely to give up on learning a new topic. References cited Brandl, R. (Connole). (2016). How did the Clark Fork become a superfund site? Montana Steward: Answers to Superfund, p.1. Available at: www.cfwep.org. Coertjens, L., et al. (2010). Do schools make a difference in their students’ environmental attitudes and awareness? Evidence from PISA 2006. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, vol. 8(3): 497-522. DOI: 10.1007/s10763-010-9200-0 Cohen, J. (1977). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences (rev.) Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.) Duvall, J. & Zint, M. (2007). A review of the research on effectiveness of environmental education in promoting intergenerational learning. Journal of Environmental Education, 38 (4): 14-24. DOI: 10.3200/JOEE.38.4.14-24. Liberman, G.A, & Hoody, L.L. (1998). Closing The Achievement Gap: Using the Environment as an integrating context. State Education and Environment Roundtable, 16486 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 328 San Diego, CA. http://www.seer.org/pages/GAP.html National Research Council (2012). A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas. Washington, DC: National Academies Press. DOI:



克拉克福克流域于 1983 年被宣布为超级基金站点,此后不久蒙大拿州向大西洋里奇菲尔德公司 (ARCO) 提起诉讼,要求赔偿流域的损失。这起诉讼中的一系列定居点标志着克拉克福克流域超级基金时代的开始,这导致克拉克福克河周围地区的景观和生态系统发生了重大变化(Connole (Brandl),2016 年)。克拉克福克流域教育计划 (Cfwep.Org) 成立于 2005 年,旨在帮助学生和当地公民更好地了解流域超级基金状态的性质,并创造环境管理员的遗产,以确保清洁- up 不仅在短期内成功,而且在长期内持续。在环境教育项目中,符合教育研究黄金标准的评估是有限的。大多数程序评估的样本量很小,并且没有统计能力,无法让研究人员对程序的影响得出确切的结论。虽然大多数环境教育支持者认为编程不仅有效,而且对学生的健康和福祉也至关重要,但由于很少有大规模研究可用,因此缺乏支持这一说法的数据(Coertjens, et. al 2006;Duvall & Zint 2007;Liebermann 和 Hoody 1998;Semken 和 Freeman 2008;Sobel,2004;West 2015)。虽然 Cfwep.Org 计划评估仍然有限,但大数据集和对计划功效的长期观察提供了一项有趣的研究。Cfwep。组织工作人员对学生进行为期 4 天的访问,提供背景信息和与采矿相关的科学课程;几天后,学生们被带去实地考察,以评估修复后的河流的健康状况,参观修复后的站点,然后被带到蒙大拿理工学院的校园查看数据并得出结论。自 2008 年以来,学生数据结果以教师在为期 4 天的课堂访问(预测试)之前进行的测试和实地考察后几天(后测试)进行的相同测试的形式收集。该测试多年来一直在修改,因此,本文仅分析了 2012-2016 年的数据,因为该测试在这 4 年期间具有可比性。2012-2016 年的测试由 18 个问题组成。其中八个问题是态度调查问题——四个关于管理,四个关于科学过程。态度项目的分析是通过计算 Cohen 的 d 效应大小来完成的 (Cohen, 1977)。剩下的十个问题测试有关背景问题和科学相关问题的知识。测试由学生使用 Scantron 答卷完成,并使用 Apperson Grademaster 600 扫描仪评分。结果表明,Cfwep.Org 有效地实现了计划目标,即增加学生对其流域内与历史采矿破坏相关的生态影响的性质的理解,并加强对新恢复景观的管理。对 2012-2016 年的数据集进行了学生知识获取评估,包括 2,272 名学生的预测试和 2,251 名学生的预测试 后测试。对 2013-2106 年的数据集进行了对科学态度和爱护环境的评估,其中包括 1,479 名学生的测试前调查和 1,460 名学生的测试后调查。这项研究的结果表明该计划的目标正在实现。学生在知识调查中获得了显着的收益,测试前的总体收益提高了 30%。学生的知识获得具有很强的统计学意义(p <0.001)。学生们在对科学的态度和对爱护环境的态度方面也有更大的积极反应,Cohen 的 d 效应大小对关心环境的中等影响 (d = 0.52) 和对科学的积极态度的影响很小 (d = 0.24) . Cfwep。组织编程对学生的态度和性格以及他们对克拉克福克超级基金状态相关问题的理解产生积极影响。像 Cfwep.Org 那样的编程需要教师和学区投入时间。管理员和教师的基本问题是编程是否有效。换句话说,学生是从编程中受益还是编程在知识获取方面浪费时间?这项研究的结果表明,编程不仅在获得科学主题知识方面是有效的,而且在帮助学生全面培养对科学的积极态度方面也是有效的。因为学生参与了与他们已经关心的事情(环境)相关的有意义的、相关的数据收集,他们开始对收集和分析这些数据表现出更积极的态度。环境及其当地社区的背景对参与和兴趣具有强大的影响(Sobel,2005)。国家研究委员会建议学生参与与其环境和社会相关的相关且有意义的项目(NRC,2012)。参与确保学生将花费更多的精力学习材料,并且不太可能放弃学习新主题。参考文献引用了 Brandl, R. (Connole)。(2016)。Clark Fork 是如何成为超级基金网站的?蒙大拿管家:对超级基金的回答,第 1 页。可在:www.cfwep.org 获得。Coertjens, L. 等。(2010)。学校是否对学生的环境态度和意识产生影响?来自 PISA 2006 的证据。国际科学与数学教育杂志,第一卷。8(3):497-522。DOI:10.1007/s10763-010-9200-0 Cohen, J. (1977)。行为科学的统计功效分析 (rev.) Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.) Duvall, J. & Zint, M. (2007)。环境教育促进代际学习效果研究述评[J]. 环境教育杂志,38(4):14-24。DOI:10.3200/JOEE.38.4.14-24。利伯曼,乔治亚州,和胡迪,LL (1998)。缩小成就差距:使用环境作为整合环境。州教育与环境圆桌会议,16486 Bernardo Center Drive,Suite 328 San Diego, CA。http://www.seer.org/pages/GAP.html 国家研究委员会(2012 年)。K-12 科学教育框架:实践、交叉概念和核心思想。华盛顿特区:国家科学院出版社。内政部: