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The role of fear of COVID-19 in motivation to quit smoking and reductions in cigarette smoking: a preliminary investigation of at-risk cigarette smokers
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy ( IF 3.928 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-19 , DOI: 10.1080/16506073.2021.1877340
Alexandra K Gold 1 , Danielle L Hoyt 1 , Megan Milligan 1 , Michele L Hiserodt 1 , Jake Samora 1 , Teresa M Leyro 2 , Michael J Zvolensky 3, 4 , Michael W Otto 1


Preliminary data suggest that cigarette smokers could have an increased mortality risk from the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), and that certain factors (e.g., increased age, medical comorbidities) can also increase risk of poor coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outcomes. Between April 30th, 2020 and May 28th, 2020, we evaluated self-reported changes in recent smoking patterns and motivation to quit smoking among current daily cigarette smokers (N = 103) on Amazon Mechanical Turk. We also assessed the relationship of these outcomes to age, medical comorbidity status, and fear of COVID-19. Most participants (68.9%) reported smoking less frequently than usual in the last 28 days. Among daily smokers, increased fear of COVID-19 predicted increased motivation to quit smoking and actual smoking reductions (ps < .05). Endorsement of one or more medical comorbidities, but not increased age, predicted increased motivation to quit smoking (p < .05). These data suggest the potentially greater relevance of psychological factors (e.g., fear of COVID-19) over external risk factors (e.g., medical comorbidity, increased age) on motivation to quit smoking and actual reductions in smoking patterns, and may reflect that the pandemic is a suitable time for offering smoking cessation intervention.


对 COVID-19 的恐惧在戒烟动机和减少吸烟中的作用:对高危吸烟者的初步调查


初步数据表明,吸烟者死于新型冠状病毒 (SARS-CoV-2) 的死亡风险可能增加,并且某些因素(例如,年龄增加、合并症)也可能增加患冠状病毒疾病 (COVID-19) 的风险结果。在 2020 年 4 月 30至2020 年 5 月 28 日期,我们评估了当前每日吸烟者自我报告的近期吸烟模式和戒烟动机的变化(N= 103) 在 Amazon Mechanical Turk 上。我们还评估了这些结果与年龄、合并症状态和对 COVID-19 的恐惧之间的关系。大多数参与者 (68.9%) 报告在过去 28 天内吸烟的频率低于平时。在日常吸烟者中,对 COVID-19 的恐惧增加预示着戒烟动机和实际吸烟减少(ps < .05)。认可一种或多种合并症,但不增加年龄,预示戒烟动机增加(p< .05)。这些数据表明,心理因素(例如,对 COVID-19 的恐惧)相对于外部风险因素(例如,合并症、年龄增加)对戒烟动机和吸烟模式的实际减少可能具有更大的相关性,并可能反映大流行是提供戒烟干预的合适时间。
