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Class and Conformity: Thirty Years of Adult Child-rearing Values in the U.S
Sociological Forum ( IF 1.867 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-18 , DOI: 10.1111/socf.12685
Duane F. Alwin 1 , Paula A. Tufiș 2

This paper investigates trends in adult child-rearing values in the United States over a 30-year period, from the mid-1980s into the first decades of the 21st century. Using data from the General Social Surveys, we report trends in emphasis on five child traits: think for self, obey, work hard, popularity, and helping others. Independent of the time of the surveys, child-rearing values are associated with several individual attributes: gender, schooling level, occupational class, birth year, race/ethnicity, region, party identification, religious affiliation, and religiosity. Socioeconomic factors continue to be among the most important, but contrary to many arguments, occupational class, as measured by Weeden–Grusky micro-classes, has a relatively less important role in predicting child-rearing values, once education is taken into account. Religious variables are also important, less so than socioeconomic factors, but there is support for the hypothesis of the growing strength over time in the impact of religious conservatism and participation.



本文调查了从 1980 年代中期到 21 世纪头十年的 30 年间美国成人育儿价值观的趋势。使用来自综合社会调查的数据,我们报告了强调五个儿童特征的趋势:为自己思考、服从、努力工作、受欢迎和帮助他人。独立于调查时间,育儿价值观与几个个人属性相关:性别、教育水平、职业等级、出生年份、种族/民族、地区、政党认同、宗教信仰和宗教信仰。社会经济因素仍然是最重要的因素之一,但与许多论点相反,一旦将教育考虑在内,由 Weeden-Grusky 微型班级衡量的职业阶层在预测育儿价值观方面的作用相对较小。