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School Engagement Among Youth Entering Probation
Journal of Youth and Adolescence ( IF 5.625 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-19 , DOI: 10.1007/s10964-021-01405-3
Henry Joel Crumé , Paula S. Nurius , Bo-Kyung Elizabeth Kim , Patricia Logan-Greene

Strong school engagement is crucial for school success among adolescents and particularly important for reducing recidivism. Yet, little is known about school engagement among youth serving probation while attending community schools. This study tested the multivariate associations between risk and promotive factors with three components of school engagement (behavioral, cognitive, and emotional). The study’s sample was derived from 5,378 intake assessments (23.6% female) of youth entering juvenile probation in a Pacific Northwest county who were assessed as either moderate or high risk for recidivism. The racial composition of the sample was predominantly White or European American (56.0%) and Black or African American (24.2%) and ranged in age from 10 to 19 years old (M = 15.5, SD = 1.46). The results suggest that dimensions of school engagement can be strengthened by increased relational and skill-building supports throughout youth’s social ecologies. The promotive factors of prosocial attitudes and prosocial community connections were significantly associated with increased school engagement. The implications of these findings are discussed regarding opportunities and strategies that promote school engagement for youth on probation.



强有力的学校参与对于青少年在学校中的成功至关重要,对于减少累犯尤其重要。然而,对于在社区学校服刑的青少年中的学校参与知之甚少。这项研究测试了风险和激励因素与学校参与的三个组成部分(行为,认知和情感)之间的多元关联。该研究的样本来自太平洋西北县接受青少年缓刑的5,378名青少年的青少年入学评估(占23.6%),被评估为中度或高再犯风险。样本的种族组成主要为白人或欧洲裔(56.0%)和黑人或非裔美国人(24.2%),年龄范围为10至19岁(M = 15.5,SD = 1.46)。结果表明,通过在整个青年社会生态中增加关系和技能建设支持,可以加强学校参与的范围。亲社会态度和亲社会社区联系的促进因素与学校参与度的增加显着相关。讨论了这些发现的含义,探讨了有关促进青年试用期学校参与的机会和策略。
