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Jewish Communal History in Geniza Scholarship: Part 2, Goitein’s Successors
Jewish History Pub Date : 2019-03-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s10835-019-09313-7
Arnold E. Franklin

S. D. Goitein’s nuanced description of the structure, functioning, and administrative reach of the Jewish community, most fully articulated in the second volume of A Mediterranean Society, was enlarged on, revised, and challenged in the work of two subsequent generations of scholars. Addressing the mixture of hierocratic and democratic elements that Goitein identified within the medieval Jewish community, this growing body of scholarship has examined anew and in greater detail such issues as the balance of power between the centralized leadership and the local community, the extent of the Jewish community’s political autonomy, and the influential role in communal affairs played by wealthy and well-connected elites with access to the Muslim court.



SD Goitein 对犹太社区的结构、功能和行政范围的细致描述,在《地中海社会》第二卷中得到了最详尽的阐述,在随后两代学者的工作中得到了扩展、修订和挑战。针对 Goitein 在中世纪犹太社区内确定的等级制度和民主因素的混合问题,这个不断增长的学术机构重新审视了诸如中央领导和地方社区之间的权力平衡、犹太人的范围等问题。社区的政治自治,以及有权进入穆斯林法庭的富裕和人脉广泛的精英在社区事务中发挥的影响作用。