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Gesture and Power: Religion, Nationalism and Everyday Performance in Congo. By Yolanda Covington-Ward. Religious Cultures of African and Diaspora People Series. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 2016. xii + 287 pp. $39.95 cloth; $29.95 paper.
Church History Pub Date : 2017-03-01 , DOI: 10.1017/s0009640717000452
Emma Wild-Wood

exchange within Mexican Catholicism. While the book is punctuated with enticing references to material practices from medieval Europe and the ancient Mediterranean world, greater elaboration is needed on the role indigenous Mexican cultures have played—and continue to play—in shaping the logic of reciprocal exchange that animates petitionary devotion. This is but a small concern, however, for a text that demonstrates such an impressive command of the multiple material, psychological, and cultural dimensions of votive exchange.


手势与力量:刚果的宗教,民族主义与日常表演。Yolanda Covington-Ward着。非洲和侨民宗教文化丛书。达勒姆,北卡罗来纳州:杜克大学出版社,2016年。xii + 287页,每本$ 39.95布;29.95美元的纸张。
