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Migrations and Federations
The Medieval History Journal Pub Date : 2018-07-23 , DOI: 10.1177/0971945818775458
Johann Heiss 1

This contribution focuses on the beginnings of the tribal federation called Khawlān in the north of what today is Yemen. Al-Hamdānī, the Yemeni philosopher, genealogist and astronomer writes about these beginnings in two of his works; a passage from Nashwān’s ‘Shams al-‘ulūm’ will complete the picture. At first, a son of Khawlan migrates from Ma’rib to Ṣirwāḥ, in the territory of another group called Khawlān. From there, a grandson of the first migrant goes on to the region of Ṣa‘da, where he forms a federation with another tribal group. Both settle in the plain of Ṣa‘da or in the mountainous region west of it. To accomplish that, they have to wage war against Hamdān who are the original settlers there. These are the basic facts deducible from the texts. Khawlān really comes into view when the tribal groups wage war. The groups of the original migrants and their allies are not related. Religion plays no part in the occurrences put forward in the texts. As far as possible, these narrations are interpreted and brought into relation to the tribal situation of Yemen at the time.



这篇文章的重点是在今天也门北部被称为 Khawlān 的部落联盟的起源。也门哲学家、系谱学家和天文学家哈姆达尼 (Al-Hamdānī) 在他的两部著作中写到了这些开端;Nashwān 的“Shams al-'ulūm”中的一段话将完成这幅画。起初,Khawlan 的一个儿子从马里卜迁移到了另一个名为 Khawlān 的群体的领土上的 Ṣirwāḥ。从那里,第一个移民的孙子继续前往 Ṣa'da 地区,在那里他与另一个部落群体组成了联邦。两者都定居在 Ṣa'da 平原或西部山区。为了实现这一目标,他们必须向那里的原始定居者哈姆丹发动战争。这些是从文本中推导出来的基本事实。当部落群体发动战争时,Khawlān 才真正进入人们的视野。原始移民的群体和他们的盟友没有关系。宗教在文本中提出的事件中没有任何作用。尽可能地解释这些叙述,并将其与当时也门的部落情况联系起来。