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Reproducing the Privilege of White Femininity: An Intersectional Analysis of Home Care
Sociology of Race and Ethnicity ( IF 3.221 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-13 , DOI: 10.1177/2332649219885980
Celeste Vaughan Curington 1

Research elucidates the gendered and racialized assumptions and practices embedded within occupational organizations but has considered less how race and gender mutually constitute the structure of the organization. The research that does interrogate how both race and gender structure organizational life for Black workers tends to focus on predominately White professional workplaces in the United States, where a White masculine or White feminine worker norm pervades. Drawing on interviews with Black African home care workers in Portugal, the author theorizes from the vantage point of Black women’s experience of work and elucidates how their narratives point to the several layers by which race and gender are embedded in organizational structures and practices that privilege White femininity in a non-U.S. work setting in which Black women make up the majority of the workforce. Black women reveal how White women colleagues’ scrutinize their labor performance unfairly, thwarting their opportunities for advancement and achieving respectful treatment within workplaces. Along with these interpersonal interactions, antiracial ideologies about the nature of the work also aid in racializing a gendered workplace that in turn makes invisible the racial tensions on the job. This research suggests that the Whiteness of an organization persists despite the “types” of workers that occupy the organizational space.



研究阐明了职业组织中所包含的性别和种族化的假设和做法,但较少考虑种族和性别如何构成组织的结构。这项研究确实询问了黑人工人的种族和性别结构组织生活是如何趋向于集中于美国白人职业或男性女性规范普遍存在的美国白人专业工作场所的。作者在葡萄牙接受黑人非洲家庭护理工作者的采访时,从黑人女性工作经验的角度出发进行了理论分析,并阐明了她们的叙述如何指向种族和性别嵌入到赋予白人特权的组织结构和实践中的几个层面非美国女性气质 黑人妇女占劳动力大多数的工作环境。黑人妇女揭示了白人女性同事如何不公正地审查自己的劳动绩效,挫败她们的晋升机会并在工作场所获得尊重的待遇。除了这些人与人之间的互动,关于工作性质的反种族意识形态还有助于使性别平等的工作场所种族化,从而使工作中的种族紧张感不可见。这项研究表明,尽管占据组织空间的“类型”工人仍然存在组织的白化现象。除了这些人与人之间的互动,关于工作性质的反种族意识形态还有助于使性别平等的工作场所种族化,从而使工作中的种族紧张感不可见。这项研究表明,尽管占据组织空间的“类型”工人仍然存在组织的白化现象。除了这些人与人之间的互动,关于工作性质的反种族意识形态还有助于使性别平等的工作场所种族化,从而使工作中的种族紧张感不可见。这项研究表明,尽管占据组织空间的“类型”工人仍然存在组织的白化现象。