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Literal allegories: Queering the family-nation in contemporary Dominican diaspora fiction
Latino Studies Pub Date : 2019-07-22 , DOI: 10.1057/s41276-019-00193-z
Virginia Arreola

As exemplified by Junot Diaz in The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao and Angie Cruz in Let It Rain Coffee, Dominican diaspora authors grapple with the question of what happens when a central part of a people’s lived experience and embodiment is suppressed by hegemonic national discourses. I argue that in their novels they show that, when blackness is removed from Dominican national discourse and representation, what is left is not whiteness or mestizaje, but a “deracialized consciousness.” These authors subvert racial discourse by using the family-nation allegory in foundational romances in unintended ways, emptying the discourse of its rhetorical value, and make way for “rayano consciousness” and a queer futurity of dominicanidad.



正如朱诺·迪亚兹 (Junot Diaz) 在奥斯卡·瓦奥 (Oscar Wao) 的短暂奇妙一生中和安吉·克鲁兹 (Angie Cruz) 在 Let It Rain Coffee 中所举例说明的那样,多米尼加侨民作家努力解决当一个民族的生活经验和体现的核心部分被霸权的民族话语压制时会发生什么的问题。我认为,在他们的小说中,他们表明,当黑人从多米尼加的民族话语和表征中移除时,剩下的不是白人或混血儿,而是“去种族化的意识”。这些作者通过在基础浪漫中以非故意的方式使用家庭-国家寓言来颠覆种族话语,清空其修辞价值的话语,并为“rayano 意识”和多米尼加的酷儿未来让路。