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Omnium Exposita Rapinæ: The Afterlives of the Papers of Samuel Hartlib
Book History Pub Date : 2016-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/bh.2016.0000
Leigh T. I. Penman

This article traces the afterlives of the papers of the Anglo-Prussian intelligencer Samuel Hartlib (ca.1600-1662), incorporating insights from recent studies of the archive and material history. Beginning with the idea that Hartlib’s papers are a social artefact, in the sense that their story is inextricable from the stories of those that have possessed, consulted, used (and abused) them, this paper outlines the microsociologies of interest and neglect which have irrevocably altered both their form and content over the centuries, and which have informed subsequent historical and historiographical opinion on Hartlib himself, as well as his endeavors.


Omnium Exposita Rapinæ:塞缪尔·哈特利布(Samuel Hartlib)论文的来世

本文追溯了盎格鲁-普鲁士情报家塞缪尔·哈特利卜 (Samuel Hartlib,约 1600-1662 年) 的论文的来世,并结合了对档案和材料历史的近期研究的见解。从 Hartlib 的论文是一种社会人工制品的想法开始,从这个意义上说,他们的故事与拥有、咨询、使用(和滥用)它们的人的故事密不可分,本文概述了不可逆转的兴趣和忽视的微观社会学几个世纪以来改变了它们的形式和内容,并影响了后来对哈特利布本人及其努力的历史和史学观点。