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Recirculating Black Militancy in Word and Image: Henry Highland Garnet's "Volume of Fire"
Book History Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/bh.2017.0005
Lori Leavell

This article foregrounds materiality in examining Henry Highland Garnet's 1848 volume, which includes two texts of black militancy—a reprint of David Walker's Appeal to the Coloured Citizens of the World (1829, 1830) and Garnet's Address to the Slaves (1843). My argument situates Garnet's Address within the volume in which it appeared, considers Garnet's role as compiler, and recognizes the book's role in the further circulation of black militancy. A focus on Garnet's volume illuminates antebellum black militant print's survival, malleability, and cachet. Garnet's volume precipitated subsequent circulation not only of Walker's and Garnet's texts but also of an image of a black Moses from Garnet's book. The most striking iteration appeared in a modified form as the frontispiece of Hollis Read's The Negro Problem Solved (1864). The similarity of the images throws into sharp relief the contrast marking the books: Read's advocacy of colonization is far different from Garnet's and Walker's assertions of black citizenship, even as Read's book fabricates affiliation with Garnet. Ultimately, my focus on materiality reveals a range of motives at work in the dissemination of antebellum black militancy—in text and image—and demonstrates that black militant print could paradoxically circulate while becoming unrecognizable.



本文突出了研究亨利高地加内特 1848 年卷的重要性,其中包括两篇关于黑人好战的文本——大卫沃克对世界有色人种的呼吁(1829 年、1830 年)和加内特对奴隶的讲话(1843 年)的重印。我的论点将加内特的地址放在它出现的卷中,考虑加内特作为编译器的作用,并承认这本书在黑人激进主义的进一步传播中的作用。对 Garnet 的作品的关注揭示了战前黑色激进印花的生存、延展性和声望。加内特的书不仅促成了沃克和加内特的文本的后续流通,而且还促成了加内特书中黑色摩西形象的流通。最引人注目的迭代以修改后的形式出现,作为 Hollis Read 的卷首画 s 解决了黑人问题(1864 年)。图像的相似性使书籍的对比更加鲜明:雷德对殖民化的倡导与加内特和沃克对黑人公民身份的主张大不相同,即使雷德的书编造了与加内特的从属关系。最终,我对物质性的关注揭示了在文本和图像中传播战前黑人激进主义的一系列动机,并证明了黑色激进主义印刷品可能会在变得无法辨认的同时自相矛盾地传播。