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‘Indiestanbul’: counter-hegemonic music and third republicanism in Turkey
Popular Music Pub Date : 2017-12-08 , DOI: 10.1017/s0261143017000563
Tom Parkinson

This article contributes to the growing research base in Turkish popular music studies with a focus on indie music from Istanbul. It situates this music within Turkey's contemporary social, cultural and political landscapes, and in relation to the country's historical cultural narrative. Istanbul indie musicians’ responses to the 2013 Gezi protests suggest that indie's counter-hegemonic aesthetics are being explored and engaged with in alignment with ‘Third Republicanism’, an emerging vision for Turkey that holds liberalism and human rights as its core ideals where the ‘First’ and ‘Second’ Republican visions held secularism and Islam respectively.



本文有助于土耳其流行音乐研究的不断增长的研究基础,重点是伊斯坦布尔的独立音乐。它将这种音乐置于土耳其当代社会、文化和政治景观中,并与该国的历史文化叙事相关。伊斯坦布尔独立音乐家对 2013 年盖兹抗议活动的回应表明,独立音乐人的反霸权美学正在被探索和参与,以符合“第三共和主义”,这是土耳其的新兴愿景,将自由主义和人权作为其核心理想,其中“第一'和'第二'共和党的愿景分别持有世俗主义和伊斯兰教。