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Positive Behavioural Support as an alternative to medication
Tizard Learning Disability Review Pub Date : 2019-03-08 , DOI: 10.1108/tldr-06-2018-0018
Ruth M. Lee , Jennifer A. Rhodes , David Gerrard

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how Positive Behavioural Support (PBS) can be used as an alternative to psychotropic medication to improve the quality of life of an individual with a learning disability and behaviour described as challenging.,A single case design was utilised. A unique PBS stopping over medication of people with a learning disability, autism or both (STOMP) clinic model was developed and PBS was used in line with National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance. This included functional behavioural assessment, to support understanding of the reasons behind behaviour described as challenging, and a gradual medication reduction.,This case study found that antipsychotic medication used to manage behaviour that challenges could be safely reduced and individual quality of life increased when PBS was used as an alternative.,STOMP is a project supported by NHS England aimed at reducing the inappropriate prescribing of psychotropic medication to manage behaviour that challenges. NICE guidance recommends that behaviour should be more appropriately understood through PBS. More research is needed to demonstrate how the two work together for safe medication reduction and improved quality of life.



本文的目的是展示如何将积极行为支持 (PBS) 用作精神药物的替代品,以改善有学习障碍和被描述为具有挑战性的行为的个人的生活质量。,使用了单一案例设计. 开发了一种独特的 PBS 停止对有学习障碍、自闭症或两者都有的人的药物治疗 (STOMP) 临床模型,并且根据国家健康与护理卓越研究所 (NICE) 的指导使用了 PBS。这包括功能行为评估,以支持理解被描述为具有挑战性的行为背后的原因,以及逐渐减少药物治疗。本案例研究发现,当使用 PBS 作为替代方案时,用于管理行为的抗精神病药物可以安全地减少挑战并提高个人生活质量。 STOMP 是英国 NHS 支持的一个项目,旨在减少对精神药物的不当处方管理具有挑战性的行为。NICE 指南建议通过 PBS 更恰当地理解行为。需要更多的研究来证明两者如何协同工作以减少安全用药并提高生活质量。