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Does the Public Service Motivation Model Hold in the Caribbean?
Review of Public Personnel Administration ( IF 4.072 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-17 , DOI: 10.1177/0734371x21996042
Charlene M. L. Roach 1 , Meghna Sabharwal 2 , Romeo Abraham 2 , Wayne Charles-Soverall 3

Researchers in public administration for the past few decades are interested in exploring how public service motivation (PSM) influences turnover intentions. This study puts the theory of PSM to test in a different cultural context and explores the relationship between PSM and leadership on turnover intentions via person-organization fit (P-O fit) in public sector employees from Trinidad and Tobago and Barbados. Results of structural equation modeling indicate a significant negative relationship between senior leadership and turnover intentions, but a positive and significant relationship between PSM and turnover intentions. The positive effects of PSM on turnover are different from the Western models of motivation in the public sector. Results also show a partial mediation of PSM and turnover intentions via P-O fit. This research highlights the need for studying leadership, motivation, and turnover by utilizing a cultural and value lens to examine and understand employee behaviors in public organizations outside of North America.



过去几十年来,公共管理领域的研究人员对探索公共服务动机(PSM)如何影响离职意图感兴趣。这项研究使PSM理论在不同的文化背景下进行了测试,并通过特立尼达,多巴哥和巴巴多斯的公共部门员工的人员​​组织契合度(PO Fit)探索了PSM与领导者离职意向之间的关系。结构方程建模的结果表明,高级领导者与离职意图之间存在显着的负相关关系,但PSM与离职意图之间存在正相关和显着关系。PSM对营业额的积极影响与西方公共部门激励模式不同。结果还显示,通过PO拟合可以部分调解PSM和营业额意图。
